Please afford me a moment to explain why this is being done. My name is Joe and I'm 37. I have been blessed/cursed with having an extremely large penis. I have spent much of my life hiding it due to the fact it's not what every mother wants her daughter to see at the mall, swimming pool or just hanging around! A dear female friend of mine, who caught me in the bathroom at a party one evening, explained to me that many women, and maybe their partners, would enjoy viewing and possibly acting out a fantasy or two while looking at my dick.
After many hours on the internet, and seeing that most sites are $$$ oriented, I decided to show my freaky self and invite others to do the same. I'm very attracted to huge women and have found many other men are as well. Therefore, I invite all to help my website, as lame as it may be, be used by as many as who care to share, view and masturbate.
All that I ask is that if you're a woman and care to have me post your image, please be @ least 250lbs and very close to nude if not all the way. If you're a male, please be @ least 8". Obviously, erections are welcome!
I am 6" limp and lucky 13+" fully erect FYI.
Please enjoy and looking forward to your participation!