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  • Christman Web Design. Let me build a site for you.
  • Comanche Stallion A new movie in the tradition of John Ford, produced by Harry Carey jr.
  • Shadows of the Past, A nice site with links
  • Cowboypal WebSite. The older cowboy stars from the twenty's and thirty's.
  • Offical Roy Rogers & Dale Evans Web Site
  • Official James Arness web site
  • Have Gun Will Travel Web site
  • Cisco Kid web site
  • The Lone Ranger Web Site
  • The fifties web
  • Contact Doug Abbott, The Premiere Western Collecter
  • Trail Creek Nature Trails  
  • Old West
  • Broken Wheel Ranch
  • Classic Television Images & Theme Songs
  • Soap opera theme songs

     Many thanks to Doug Abbott for his help with Photos and Facts.
     Click here to see a list of Western TV stills from the

                     Doug Abbott Collection

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    Favorite Cowboy Star:

    Vote for your favorite T.V.Show. I will post a tally of the results.
    You may vote for several.

    Also any Westerns you'd like to see on this site.


    Maverick has the most votes, with Bonanza second.

    But there is a BIG fan of Yancy Derringer out there who keeps e-mailing me.

    The Lone Ranger was my favorite till The Rifleman came along.
    There was something about that rifle.....

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