by Mihneea

Hi friends!

I'm in a hotel room and I'm expecting somebody, who should be here in less than an hour. Till then, I have enough time to tell you a story...the story of the happiest day of my life!


I found myself wandering lengthways an unknown street of the city, with no purpose and no idea where this street will take me. Where was my head in the last half an hour? What devilish thought dazzled my mind so completely, that I forgot where I was going to?

"Indeed: what am I doing in the middle of this huge city I see for the first time? I'm trying to find a cab station. In fact, I'm looking for that exhibition hall regarding the architecture of these days, but I'm sure I've already missed the most interesting part! And the meeting with my architect friends and some certainly interesting discussions."

These words didn't have the expected effect: they didn't convince me to turn around and find the meeting point and I was still persistently walking on the same street, looking down to my shoes as if I was trying to make sure that I won't see the building!

It was one of those beautiful summer days -- and I'm not speaking about the nature, but about our state of mind. One of those days when we are in such an enthusiastic mood, that we feel ready to get over our shyness and look for the trouble; those days when our body seems to have miraculous health and energy. Yes, that was one of my best days I've ever lived!

It wasn't a big deal that I missed the exhibition. I will easily find an excuse for my friends, but now I'm not in the mood to think of it: a guy just showed up in my sight. He's pretty tall, his long, dark hair is hanging on his shoulders. "OK, let's try to see his face. Seems he is a Native."

Easy to done. After some minutes, I was talking to him on a peaceful alley. Where are we?... I was avidly looking at his face and I was just admitting that I always had a weakness for the Native Americans, when he finished the sentence. And I didn't hear a word.

"Sorry, I still have problems with the English, I'm a stranger here. Can you repeat, please?"

He smiles. Actually, he is a stranger here too! He seems to like my company, he keeps speaking and on my face a large grin shows up when he mentions that he is going to take part to a celebration, Cherokee-style celebration, a few hours later.

I had no problems in expressing my passion and curiosity toward his ancestors and he seemed so impressed, that he promised he will introduce me to his Indian friends tonight. "Ask about Turakan", he added. "I'll be there. I certainly won't be late. I'm Mihneea..."


If I knew this morning that in the same day I'll be at that Cherokee celebration, a party in open air, around a huge fire!... Everything was done: finding Turakan, grinning to the Natives while he was introducing me, then choosing my own place between them, as if I wasn't a stranger. Turakan started to give me some details about the dancing program, when my gaze suddenly focused on someone's face, just for a second, for an eyeblink...

...then it was swallowed by the darkness. How was it? I tried to remember: it didn't seem too different from those figures around me, but I thought I saw two lips, two unkissed lips which overwhelmed my all senses for a moment!

And all that -- because they were staying, small and sorrowful as they were, under a fine nose, and I just wasn't able to understand why is no one tasting them at that very moment!!!

...After a few minutes, the catastrophe again: he (for I'm speaking about a boy's face, as I had the pleasure to notice soon) appeared in the crowd and he was very visible this time. He was a Native. And he was almost bare. He had long, soft hair. And he was extremely pouty lipped!

"Who is he?" I asked passionately, holding my breath.

"He is... our youngest artist. Johnny. But we prefer to call him Darkbay," a voice said; a voice which I can't remember if it was Turakan's. "You will see him dancing."

I will see him dancing...When? How??...Darkbay will dance for us -- I mumbled...

He was young indeed. And I was burning hotter than the fire in front of me. I had a hard time with all those beautiful, traditional dances, before his performance, for my eyes wanted to caress HIS shapes, my arms felt emptier as ever and my lips suffered from a thirst which they never knew before!

Suddenly, an unusual silence woke me up and I noticed that the Indians had started to prepare a strange scenery for the next dance. It seemed something theatrical and touching, as I understood.

"What are they doing?"

"This is the preparation for Darkbay's dance. It is not from our usual rite, it was created by Darkbay himself to express his pain toward our ancestor's history and this is dedicated to their memory."

"You will see how serious Darkbay is" another Indian said. "He often seems so overwhelmed at the end, that it takes a lot of efforts from us to bring him back to his senses!"

"I can imagine." I wasn't thinking about his suffering, but about mine, when I added: "I know a good method to for his quick recovery, just let me go to him at the end of the dance."

"What are you trying to do, girl?"

"...Magic!" I simply said, with a smile. And they didn't have other choice than to let me do it.

Oh, yes... Here we are, a serious actor-dancer, suffering and praying in front of us for his ancestors memory, and me -- a stranger who introduced herself as "very interested in Cherokee Indians' history" and who was ready to forget them all at the thought that she could lick Darkbay!

...Oh, he was beautiful! His limbs moved with an extraordinary fantasy and dramatism -- tormented moves, which tormented every second my unsatisfied person; his eyes seemed thousand times more intense, but in their abyssal black I saw a good actor, an actor who lit my fire and brought a revenge-expecting smile on my lips; as about his lips -- oh, they were moving and moving, singing, praying, or maybe just asking for a kiss...The magic kiss, which I myself was going to give him!

I hardly heard the music stopping. I advanced step by step...I watched the lying body at my feet, I watched him as an idol and as a prey. Then kneeled above the fastly breathing chest and...and finally touched the lips and sipped them and squeezed them with increasing thirst, till my ears caught a sweet sigh. My magic worked! I raised my head and I saw two blackberries watching me -- his eyes.

"How do you feel?" I dared to ask.

"Blessed...Who are you?" -- and his voice sounded heavenly.

But, instead of answering, I just gave a soft caress to his bare, tired body and disappeared in the mumbling crowd... Not even watching back.

When I refused to tell my name I was sure he was going to ask Turakan for it. And I knew he was going to find me, with no special effort – and then came after me... He should be here every minute. Yes... He is the person I am waiting for! OOPS! Someone at the door! Must be Johnny! Must be my Darkbay...

Well, I think that the end of the story will remain between me and him...Thank you for listening, friends!


Mihneea (*_*)

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