Written by Meeps


Johnny Depp was lying in bed, and thoroughly enjoying
himself. The bed was soft and warm. He and his darling
Vanessa had just been doing, what people do in a bed,
when they love each other. Tomorrow family and friends
would be visiting. Now the alarm clock on the bed
table showed eleven thirty five, and it was time to
sleep, since his baby girl liked to get her dad out of
bed bright and early.  
"Well, at least early, if not bright at that time of
day," Johnny thought smiling to himself, and settle
even further down in the bed, and started drifting off
to sleep. Then suddenly - he experienced a falling
sensation - like when you step on something, that
isnīt there ... Johnny thought, it was just part of a
dream, but just the same reach his hands out to catch
himself - and promptly cut his left thumb on a sharp
Now a rock in bed was something new in Johnnyīs
experience ... Crumbs? Oh, yes. Toys? Certainly.
Books? Forgetaboutit! Or manuscripts - sometimes.
Johnny sucked at his sore finger, opened his eyes, and
saw a dragon.
He also saw trees, bushes, grass, flowers - but some
how it didnīt quite register in his mind. In his mind
was just one big red neon-sign flashing "RUN,
Now that might not be so politely expressed, but none
the less it felt like excellent advice. And Johnny at
least agreed whole heartedly, so he twisted to his
feet and turned to run - and ran smack dab into a
woman coming up behind him. "Arghhh!" he yelled. She
said something similar. And down they went in a heap.
"There, there. I was trying to tell you, you could
have him - although I didnīt mean for you to start
rolling around on the ground, the moment you saw one
another ... o.k. it was perhaps an accident. Here. Let
me give you a claw up," grumbled a voice above Johnny,
and somebody helped him stand. 
"A Scotchman here?" thought Johnny. "Why doesnīt he run?"
Then he saw the dragon helping the woman onto her feet,
and realized, who was talking.
"But how did you get out here," the dragon continued.
"And why the change of clothes - and - you did get the
stone off!!!" Now the dragon smiled an enormous and
rather scary smile - with lots of big, sharp teeth.  


"Niltsair? Baby, it is you! You are safe!! ..... Come! Come away from that evil dragon." The young woman first hugged and kissed Johnny, and then started dragging him away from said dragon. "But - but I am not ...," Johnny stuttered. At the same time, the dragon grumbled, sounding rather offended, "I am not evil!! Now look here, Lass ..." "STOP!" Johnny yelled as loud, as he could. Not especially wanting to offend a ten-foot, big dragon, he added in a more normal tone of voice, "Please, stop. Couldnīt we talk about this - quietly - in peace," he asked, and tried a smile at the both of them, in case it could help a bit. The short, broad woman looked more closely at him, "You are not Niltsair at all, are you?" she said, drawing back, and starting to look around on the ground for something. "No." Johnny admitted, "But I never said, I was!!" he hurried to add, because the six foot walking stick, she pick up from the ground sizzle with electricity - or perhaps something else? Magic perhaps - Johnny was ready to believe anything standing next to a talking dragon. "What kind of wizard are you, taking my belovedīs appearance like that?" she demanded. "No wizard, Lass" the dragon held a taloned forepaw up. "The only magic, he has, is the ability to charm people into loving him. Not much harm in that - but very useful at times. Your boy has the same magic. And a lot more." The dragon chuckled at the last comment. "Hell, he has even charm me into promising to fly out, looking for you, little hothead. He said, you would be out there looking for him, if the soldiers didnīt kill you, when they grabbed him . ....O.k! O.k! Iīm a romantic dragon! What can I say ... And I was on my way to look for you, when you came up, and starting chanting spells, that would turn me into a caterpillar." "Caterpillar indeed!" the dragon turned to Johnny. "Hey, there! The wee witch there is called Gia. And I am Picos - at least to humans. You canīt pronounce my dragon name anyway. What is your name, Lad?" Johnny was about to say, "But I know your name. Connery, Se ..." But then only said "Johnny. My name is Johnny Depp. I am sorry, I am not your Niltsair - I hope, you find him" he said to Gia, thinking at the same time, "I hope, I can find home!!!"


"I hope so too." Gia sounded very sad, and then said, "I was so sure, he was here, and I could have..." "Do you humans ever listen!?! huh?" Both Gia and Johnny looked nervously at the irate dragon. And Johnny thought "This is it - weīre toast!" "I said, I have him here! Or at least I think I did - how else could I have talked with him?" The dragon sounded more exasperated than angry by now. "He is in yonder barn over there behind the tower - letīs go and see him." They started towards the smallish tower in the background. And now Johnny noticed some run down farm buildings of wood further back behind the stone structure. They were so old, they almost disappear in the landscape, and he asked Picos, what he was doing here? "No offense," Johnny hurry to add, "but the whole thing looks a bit - you know, old and .. but very picturesque, I am sure" "Yes," Picos nodded his huge head, "but any body can fall on hard times. When Queen Fey of Dunn first hired me, it was to guard her daughter, as is right and proper, until a suitor was decide on. But the princess got married last month, and then she wanted to ... bed this lad ..." Here Picos managed to look bashful, which is no small feet for a huge brown-green dragon. "But Niltsair at once got so sick from having to wear the Berim-emerald, that he was no fun to anyone. And the queen left with her people for the capitol in a huff." "He had to wear the Berim-stone, so he couldnīt use his magic, you know," Picos added to Johnny, who didnīt know, but just nodded. Niltsiar turned out to be a very ill young man indeed. Almost delirious with fever and only barely able to recognize his Gia, who fuzzed and fretted, but couldn't help him any more than Picos could. Picos told Johnny, that only the person, who had placed the stone around his neck, could remove it again. And since that person was Queen Fey, there wasnīt much, they could do. Johnny stood at the foot of the make-shift bed, and stared at the young man. This was very strange. Here was this young guy, in another world all together, who look exactly like Sam - from "Benny and Joon" - although a very thin, pale, sick "Sam". Johnny felt very sorry for the young couple - Picos wasnīt the only romantic. Gia finally came over to Picos and Johnny, looking a bit green, because she had touch the Berim-stone too, and sighed: "I wish, you were a Tortooa dragon." "What ever for, Lass? They would eat you on the spot," said Picos wondering "Well - yes - perhaps ..." "No, with absolute certainty. They are dangerous beasts, and shouldnīt be here at all!" Picos sounded very firm and decisive. And Johnny couldnīt help smiling a bit - a dragon talking about dangerous beasts. But then he realized, he wasnīt afraid of Picos anymore. How about that? "Yes, Picos!" Gia didnīt sound scared either, "But they are not from this world - they came here, because one of my ancestors made some magic, that went wrong ..... But they could remove the stone from around Nillyīs neck, exactly because they are not from this world!" "And bite his head off at the same time," grumbled Picos "it is not a good idea, Lass. Why donīt we try bringing him to your grandmotherīs house? She is the Shrilla-witch. She might be able to help" "What if I try?" Johnny almost jumped into the air, because he suddenly thought, he had the solution. And he certainly made Picos and Gia jump. "You said yourself, I have no magic, so it canīt hurt me." Which wasnīt exactly, what Picos had said, but close enough. "Maybe I can remove that stone, since I have no magic. Are not even from a world with magic in it." "Of course, there is magic in your world," Gia stated. "How else did you get here?" That Johnny couldnīt answer, but after some more talk, the other three agree to let Johnny try. Niltsiar hurt so much by then, he was ready for anything. Johnny went over and knelt by the pallet, the young man lie on, and took the green shining stone gingerly in his right hand - nothing happened. He got its golden chain very slowly and carefully up over Niltsiarīs head and stood up with the Berim-stone - still nothing happened. "You did it! You did it!!" Gia hugged and kissed Johnny again, and then at once had to go out and throw up behind the barn door.


After Johnny had thrown the jewel on the farmīs rubbish-heap, Niltsiar quickly got better. Gia went to the farm-house and begged some chicken broth from the farmerīs wife. And that helped too. Lots of kisses and hugs didnīt hurt the least bit either, so Johnny and Picos decide to go for a walk, and leave the two alone for a bit. "Now they are happy - for the moment at least," smiled Johnny. "But wonīt Queen Fey come back with her soldiers and try again? Since she thinks, she can force love?" The dragon thought a bit, then grumbled "I am tired of working for the woman ... I can fly them south to Giaīs grandmotherīs house. There they will be safe. But I can only carry two - what do we do with you then? You donīt want to stay to be Queen Feyīs entertainment, do you?" Johnny was about to say, that there were probably nothing to do ... That he had to either stay or find his way home alone. Which put a lump in his throat, so he was coughing, when a bright golden light swept itself around man and dragon. "I will bring you home, my boy," a womanīs voice purred, and a beautiful blond woman in a red dress came gliding among the threes towards them. "Marmon!" Picos gasped, "The love goddess herself." "Yes, my dear fire-spitter," the goddess smiled. "You have done very well here. And now Johnny has done his part, I will bring him home to his loved ones. Go and say goodbye to Gia and Niltsiar, and then come back here, and I will send you home". Johnny quickly did as he was told. Promising to come back and visit, although he had no idea how to do that. And then hurried back to, where the goddess and Picos still stood talking. "O.k.," she smiled. "Come here." She put her arms around Johnnyīs neck, and kissed him - very wet - on the cheek, while gurgling "Da-da-da! A-gi-gugu!!". "Strange language," Johnny thought. "But that must be how goddesses talk. Then he heard Vanessa say, still half asleep: "Can you take her this time, Honey, please." "Vanessa!?!" Johnny opened the eyes, he had closed, when the goddess got so close and intimate. "... eh, hi, Lili-Rose ... yes, of course, you are a love goddess ... and rather wet too. We better go get your diaper changed." But when Johnny lifted his little darling, he felt a soreness on his left thumb. He look at it and saw, there was a small wound ... like from a sharp stone".

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