The Movie Chart Show featured 'Chocolat' February 2 and included an interview with Johnny. Below is a transcription of the entire piece from Rachael.

Gail Porter (Movie Chart Show presenter): "When it comes to big screen stars, there is nothing sweeter on the eye than Johnny Depp. But girls, what about Johnny AND chocolate at the SAME time?! Well, the Deppster's new movie is called 'Chocolat,' and delivers more eye candy than a trip to Willy Wonka's factory. We jetted to New York for an exclusive tete a tete with the smooth, dark and soft-centred star."

[Cue clip from 'Chocolat']
Reporter's voice-over: "Nearly every Hollywood leading man is desperate to show thay're not just over-paid pretty boys, but serious artistes as well. But one guy who seems to walk it like he talks it is Johnny Depp. Depp has recently shrugged off America to work in Europe with mavericks like Roman Polanski in 'The Ninth Gate.'"

[Cue clips of JD on set with Polanski and Hallstrom]
Reporter: "Now Lasse Hallstrom directs him in the magical 'Chocolat,' a tale of how yummy sweets changed the lives of a conflicted French community."

[Cue clip from 'Chocolat']
Reporter's voice-over: "The film sees him play a vagabond traveller. Having re-settled in Paris, does Depp consider himself to be Hollywood's wandering hobo?"

[Cue Johnny. He's looking ralaxed (and quite frankly, gorgeous), wearing his hair long, and with his face almost clean-shaven, with the exception of a tiny fleck of goatee just under his lower lip. He's wearing a white T-shirt with the words 'What part of the word NO didn't you understand?' emblazoned across the chest].

Johnny: "Maybe the BUM of Hollywood. Yeah, the Homeless of Hollywood. I don't know. No, you know, I go back there every now and again and, I don't know, it's just no fun." [Smiles] "There's no tags that they've hit me with that have stuck, so I don't care what they call me...." [Laughs and shakes his head in amusement, then looks downwards, endearingly]. "You know, it doesn't matter."

[Cue on-set clip from 'Chocolat' where Johnny is waving at the camera] Reporter's voice-over:
"Depp was able to indulge his rock star tendancies by suggesting to 'Chocolat's creators that he twang the old guitar." [Camera back to Johnny]
Johnny: "I had a band (we play together about every three or four years) called 'P,' and we're talking about doing another record. It was fun to play in the film. It seemed to work for the guy (presumably he's referring to Hallstrom). I was hoping that it wasn't gonna be totally mortified and have Lasse calling me up [makes telephoning gesture as if holding a receiver] and saying "I'm sorry, we had to dub your guitar parts." So I'm happy that he kept the original stuff."

[Cue archive footage of Johnny and the cast at the 'Sleepy Hollow' premiere - played back in sepia and in slow motion] Reporter's voice-over:
"Most big packet stars feverishly argue over how many millions they earn over a sequel, while pretending they're doing it for their art. Depp is refreshingly open about what would lure him back to mainstream Hollywood."

[Camera back to Johnny]
Johnny: "A whole load of money. [Nods and laughs] "A whole load of money, like some insane amount would probably get me to do that, I mean, you know, maybe not. Maybe I'm too ignorant to make the decision to just sell out. Maybe I should. And maybe it would be a kind of interesting experiment to just go in and try that for once. Maybe I will [smiles] but it would take an INORDINATE amount of money." [Laughs]

[Cue clip from 'The Fast Show' sketch]
Reporter's voice-over: "And could you possibly imagine Tom Cruise or Julia Roberts making the time to cameo in their favourite British sketch show? Oooh!"

[Camera back to Johnny]
Johnny: " Yeah, 'The Fast Show:' those guys are my heroes. I mean, they're just my heroes - Paul Whitehouse and Charlie Higson...Mark Williams. I mean, I just idolise them. They're just incredible."

[Cue 'The Fast Show' clip again]
Reporter's voice-over: "Well you certainly won't be seeing him in 'Lethal Weapon 8,' but you never know what to expect from The Depp."

[Cue clip from 'The Fast Show,' this time with sound, at the part towards the end when Johnny has caved in and is joining in with all the 'Ooohs!']

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