August 2001 #58

Hello Johnny Cyber Fans!

No problem...I'll wait patiently while you gawk at our picture of the month. Ain't it somethin'? A great big thanks to Kyoko for eliciting a scream from me when I opened her email and saw that pic. (-:

And a great big congratulations to Kyoko, too! She was the winner of the second Trivia Contest and is the proud owner of a free copy of the book Blow by Blow by Ted Demme and Johnny Depp. Sleepy also tried the contest without entering the competition and got 43 correct answers. Wow!!! The very tough questions (as conjured up by Yours Truly, HWDF and Vicki), together with Contest Answers, are awaiting your scrutiny.

Probably the biggest attention-getters of the month were the newest Depp Family Photos from Now magazine 7/11/01, sent by Isa as scanned by Corinne. Thanks ladies...those pics certainly brought a lot of smiles!

Now, buckle up! 'Cause there's a wild ride ahead!


In the British magazine called Loaded, July 2001 issue, page 75, Roxana found an article entitled "That's Snow Business." The photos with this article were: A big one of Penelope in her bikini, sitting on Johnny's lap (the one we've seen everywhere); a small photo from the movie with the police taking George out of his house after being caught; but the best photo is the black and white one on the first page of the article. It is REALLY nice. A full head and neck shot, with Johnny looking right into the camera.

In Woman's Day Magazine, July 30, 2001 issue - "Unchained Melody" story with 2 photo's (at least one of them being the pic of Johnny, Vanessa and Lily-Rose deplaning in San Diego). Thanks, Aya!

Roxana also uncovered the August 2001 issue of Fangoria magazine, on page 8, which had a full-page story about From Hell. Mostly stuff about sets, maybe a little about the actors. The photo in the middle of the page is the usual From Hell photo (Johnny, sitting, leaning back, looking off).

Kyoko made two great finds:

(1) Frau 8/14/2001 had an interview with Johnny with 2 big photos. Kyoko indicated she will translate this interview someday (maybe). One of the photos is included right here.

(2) Roadshow, 9/2001 has an article on Blow with many small photos from the film. Since I'm a close-up fiend, I picked the two close-ups for uploading to Vicki's site, and you can take a gander at them here: Gander One and Gander Two. Kyoko has posted all of them to a Temporary Page, so if you hurry, you can still see them. RUN!

Tina reported that she found some very nice pics of Johnny in the August issue of a German magazine called Allegra. The photos were from the US Premiere magazine.

Monica discovered that in the July-August issue of the Italian man magazine L'Uomo Vogue there is an article on Johnny and Blow with pictures (one page).

Helle unearthed an article and photos of Johnny in the August issue of Woman magazine (Denmark).

And here's one from Luca: In the August issue of Playboy magazine, there is a wonderful Tim Burton interview where he speaks about Johnny and a picture of the man lighting up a cigarette with the following comment: "Depp's rep, chameleon - from transvestite to coke king, from Shakespeare's rival Marlowe to the police inspector after Jack the Ripper - JD disappears into every role he takes. Is this his Bob Marley imitation?"


Aya treated us to another incredible find - an Italian site with a video clip from the UK Blow premiere.

Well, George Jung isn't letting any grass grow under his feet, despite his predicament. He now has a website where you can order a copy of his manuscript "Grazing in the Grass Until the Snow Came." I've ordered it, and I'll be reporting on it as soon as it arrives and I've had an opportunity to read it: Go and visit George!

An online issue of the Italian magazine El Nuovo was turned up by Aries. The article talks about the Blow premiere in the UK. Johnny says that the critics are never satisfied - the ones who expected an action movie complain that it's too documentary; the others say that the film-makers turned a true story into a Hollywood thriller! Regarding his strange (for the writer) look, he says that that's the way you dress in the French countryside, and though it's not the ideal for a soirée, it's the best if you want to feel comfortable. (I think it's his very polite way to say: How I dress is my own business.)

And Nadusha has been helping us out, despite her duties as webmaster at the Robert Rodriguez site. She ferreted out these images from the Spanish portal El foco: Uno, Dos, Tres, Cuatro, Cinco y Seis. (Lordy, Cinco is a great photo, huh?)

From Aya (posted by Kyoko) are three treasures:

(1) This one includes the Star of Fame clip with Vanessa;

(2) Here's the UK Blow premiere; and

(3) This is the Blesk site (Czech) with cool pics.

And Ted sent us to the SMH.COM website for an article about Blow and photos.


Reemi turned us on to the Dark Horizons page dedicated to From Hell, and it's got a lot of great information, including a photo we'd never seen, news and notes.

And from Aya comes a photo of Johnny when going into the From Hell set.

Luca broke the great news that From Hell will be at the 58th Venice Film Festival, which will take place in the Italian city from August 29th to September 8th. The movie will not be up for any awards. And a very excited Aries reported that the Italian press confirmed that Johnny will be in Venice for the festival... and so will Aries! Let's all cross our fingers that Aries gets to see The Raydiant One in person!

Some of the U.S. fans have gotten a first glimpse of the From Hell trailer, initially on Access Hollywood and then at movie theaters. Frankly, I thought I'd died and gone To Heaven. Johnny's got a perfect London accent, and it seems as though the Hughes Brothers are taking full advantage of Johnny's good looks, which every Depp fan will immensely enjoy! The music in the trailer is GREAT, and if it's that way throughout the movie, it should keep us on the edge of our seats. They even showed a couple of quick scenes of Johnny and Heather Graham in a lip-lock. It looks scary, bloody, edgy, sexy and thrilling! The Official Movie Site should be online any day now, so I'm gonna give you the URL so you can keep an eye on it: From Hell Official Site


Reemi found a wonderful review of The Man Who Cried at AICN.


U.S. fans are eagerly awaiting the date of August 7th, because that's when the 2-disc set of the DVD of Chocolat is scheduled to be released.

From Aya (posted by Kyoko) came all kinds of treats:

(1) Interview clip. Look for 'Johnny Depp' in the middle of the page. It's great, lasting around 8 minutes;

(2) Italian trailer and interview clips; and

(3) Chocolat sites: Ichi, Ni, San and Yon

Don't you think you should go and brush your teeth after all those sweets? (-;


A Photo of Lt. Victor and Reinaldo brought to us by Aya and Kyoko. This is a French review page for Before Night Falls. Though the grade is low, the photo was one we'd never seen.


Filming has wrapped on this project, but on July 03, the Latin AICN had this cool blurb sent by A.Jimenez from Mexico:

"Hey, I saw a program here in Mexico similar to ET that showed some scenes from Once Upon A Time In Mexico (Pistolero 2). They showed a pic of Johnny Depp that had him crying tears of blood (or something like it). This may sound weird but its true, he had blood running down his cheeks and it looked wicked cool. I tried to snap some pics of it but I got my camera too late. I got only 2 dull pics of Banderas and a dead guy."

Father Geek noted: "Tears of Blood", huh? You people are sooooooooo unprepared for Johnny Depp's role in this motion picture. It's going to kick your asses the entire length of Mexico. He's NEVER had a role like this in his life, and probably won't ever again. COOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!

Nadusha's Robert Rodriguez News page continues to be an excellent source of info about OUATIM.

And Aya found a short article and photo at Entertainment Weekly.

Reemi was the first to break the news of the first Johnny photo from the set of OUATIM at Dark Horizons. Then Delyar found more photos from that shoot (and some great never-before-seen candid photos from the set of Before Night Falls) at - click on 'professional licensing' then in the search section choose the 'news' button and then type in Johnny Depp. [NOTE: I checked this link just before this Newsletter went to press, and while I could get to the site, the search feature is not working, or is not pulling up "Johnny Depp" when I search. I sure hope it works for you, because these are some really NICE photos!]


This movie will probably never get made, but the story behind its collapse continues to surface, and the details are mighty intriguing:

Emma found an interview with Terry Gilliam at the Terry Gilliam "Dreams" site wherein Terry gives more details about what happened on the set of Don Quixote (scroll down until you find the article - it's Item 4 entitled, "Gilliam gives more detail on Quixote problems").

And with some late-breaking news, Natz sent us an article and pics from the September edition of UK Empire mag. You can read the article and see the pics right here!


As of Newsletter press time, no one's confessing! Here's how things went this month:

on July 3rd, AICN reported: "Our correspondent Karin Ebnet also had the chance to ask Clooney about his upcoming Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. The actor told her that he will start working at the movie in the next weeks."

On July 15, 2001, Patrizia (who lives in Canada, where Confessions will reportedly be filmed) reported:

I saw an ad in the local free newspaper this is exactly what it said..."Urgent looking for 800 people all types to be an extra in a huge American production with Johnny Depp...etc...etc..." I called and went to the agent and he said he will fly in the 23rd and will be in his office in three weeks from today...he was very cocky and I don't know if he was leading me on....the shooting will start in September, I heard.

On July 18th, Reemi reported (from Variety/Cinescape):

Friday the 13th (of July) was a happy day for Miramax, George Clooney and -- Chuck Barris. The titan of the game shows (The Gong Show, Dating Game), who authored Confessions of a Dangerous Mind: An Unauthorized Biography, finally closed the deal for his book to be feature filmed by Miramax with Clooney to star and direct. The project had been on-again, off-again since Barris wrote it in 1984. And cast members mentioned have at times included Johnny Depp, Mike Myers, Ben Stiller and Sean Penn. A September start in Montreal is now plotted. Barris arrived in L.A. from N.Y. Tuesday and dined with Clooney. He said he's already written a sequel, Bad Grass Never Dies: More Confessions of a Dangerous Mind.

On July 21st, from Cinescape: "There's no word on whether or not Depp might return or not, though the Barris role officially remains uncast."

And here we sit with this one...will he, or won't he? Only his hairdresser knows for sure.


There were more rumors floating around during the month of July than there is fast-food trash in my car! Well, perhaps I exaggerate. The fast-food trash in my car wins hands-down. But never on:

Johnny & Jennifer Love Hewitt To Team Up? (Ananova)
Brought to us by Reemi: Johnny Depp and Jennifer Love Hewitt are expected to team up for the re-make of the 1940s comedy, It Started With Eve. The £30 million film is being made by producer Brian Grazer's Imagine Entertainment, with Bruce McCulloch directing. The story focuses on a son played by Depp who gets a girl to pose as his fiancee to please his dying father. But his plans are turned upside down when his father makes an unexpected recovery. Albert Finney has been pencilled in to play Depp's screen dad. The film is due to go into production in the autumn. A senior source told Ananova: "Depp loves the thought of working with Finney. He is one of his acting heroes." Charles Laughton starred in the original as the sick father, with Robert Cummings and Deanna Durbin as the supposedly engaged couple.

Does Johnny have a job on The Job? (USA Today)
Forked out by Old Johnny Fan: According to USA Today's Jeannie Williams, Johnny may do a guest shot on the TV series The Job, which stars Denis Leary, who (as we know) produced Blow.

Marilyn Manson & Johnny Depp in tandem? (InRocks)
Delivered by Emma: Alejandro Jodorowsky would be about to shoot Abelcain. The director would have declared to The Tercera, South American daily, that he should achieve it (direct it?) at the latest in June 2002 with Marilyn Manson and Johnny Depp in the cast. lesinrocks site

Vanessa and Johnny new movie?
It was initially posted by Kyoko that Vanessa's next movie would be one based on Serge Bramly's Le Reseau Melchior. Then karelle reported that the site of the magazine Les Inrockuptibles has indeed reported that Vanessa is in talks for playing in the adaptation of Réseau Melchior (which is a spy novel by writer Serge Bramly). Producer Christian Fechner (who is also a friend of Vanessa and the producer of Girl on the Bridge, Elisa, etc...) is developing the project. The script has been written by Guillaume Nicloux. And the shooting would be at the end of the year. Then our good buddy Vanfan told us that, according to Voici, Johnny may also be in the movie. Finally, Serge reported that it is "official" that Johnny and Vanessa will be in the movie, according to the French site

Yet ANOTHER movie rumor - It's All About Love - WRONG!
The rumor about Kate Beckinsale and Johnny Depp heading for a romantic journey across America in the film It's All About Love is NOT TRUE, so if you read it somewhere, just chalk it up to Ananova being totally WRONG. Claire Danes and Joaquin Phoenix have recently completed filming of this movie. Thanks to Skipper, Kyoko and little "k" for setting us straight on that one!

Depp in London's West End?
Iain heard about it on "London Live 94.9fm", on the drive time show on the evening of the 26th July:

They basically said he has booked off eight weeks and plans to come to London's west end to perform in an as-yet-undisclosed play for the two month spell [next year]. They said they believed it will be a period drama.

Iain further went on to say:

I think it's difficult to tell whether or not this is a radio show picking up on gossip, trying to break a big story on one of the big stars at the risk of being wrong, as it does get people excited, especially when they mention Johnny Depp. So there is a chance there's nothing to it, but there is also a chance that it is true, as they are the major London radio station linked very closely with the arts and these people do smooze at media events with some pretty up-there-serious people. Kevin Spacey was in The Ice Man Cometh a while back and Jodi Foster was in The Blue Room, so there is this thing going on where the more left field actors and actresses are getting back to their roots and back on stage.

This is definitely one we'll want to keep our ears open for! Can you imagine? Johnny live, on stage? Who wants to go to London's west end with me next year??!!

A Small Role for Johnny In Nailed Right In (Variety)
Conveyed by Reemi: Now that the Griffin Dunne-directed mob drama Nailed Right In is financed, Johnny Depp is being courted to play the small but important role of a mobster who shows the ropes to a couple of wannabe wiseguys, much like Pacino did for Depp in Donnie Brasco. Dish hears Depp could be paid $2 million for a couple weeks work. And according to the Upcomingmovies site, shooting should begin September, 2001 in New York (with some filming in Toronto).

Lord Byron Biopic:
Depp Is The Man For Us (IMDb)
Nadusha was on her toes when she found this: Hollywood has defended the casting of Johnny Depp as romantic English poet Lord Byron in a new film. British actor Jude Law turned down the role of the man who kept a bear as a pet at university and slept with his half-sister. Producer Billy Clark has said that only Depp was good enough to take on the complex part. The film Byron is likely to also star controversial actress Angelina Jolie as Byron's sister-lover. It won't be the first time an American has played the English poet. Richard Chamberlain played him in the 1972 movie Lady Caroline Lamb.

And Reemi found more on the Lord Byron Biopic from the Dark Horizons site:
The Daily Express reports that Johnny Depp has been cast as famous British poet Lord Byron in a new biopic about him, with Angelina Jolie linked to play a role. Unlike the Bridget Jones controversy, there won't be much debate about an American actor in a very British role as pretty much every major UK actor such as Jude Law weren't willing to take the role and turned it down. Byron himself was a real 'rock star' of the early 19th century but like today's stars he became a burned out hypochondriac who developed such things as an incestuous relationship with his half-sister, and a house menagerie of animals that would make Michael Jackson proud.


Jade posted a site with some nice pics. Though we've seen them before, they are large pics and worth looking at again.

Johnny interview on DVD:
Roxana reported that Johnny, along with 5 other people, is interviewed on the DVD version of the movie Plan 9 From Outer Space, and that the Tom Petty videos DVD collection "Playback" has a video with it showing Johnny in it. Irene reported that the Plan 9 interview is "sweet if too short - around about 4-5 minutes. I reckon it was filmed around the time of press interviews for Ed Wood. The cutest thing is that the interviewer kept asking him to 'just quickly sum things up in a couple of words' - a strange thing to ask the master of the long pause."

Johnny WILL BE at the Deauville American film festival, and karelle hopes to be our woman on the street at the event: Metropolitan Filmexport, the French distributor of Blow, announced that Johnny will be at the Deauville film festival for presenting Blow on official competition. The president of the jury is Jean-Jacques Annaud (Seven Years in Tibet, Enemy At the Gate). Penelope Cruz won't be in Deauville. [OK, gang! Here's a chance to work on some collective manifesting! C'mon everyone, say it together: "Thank you, Universe, for allowing Karelle to meet Johnny Depp at the Deauville American Film Festival this year!" So be it! Yaaaaay!

Get out and dust off your weird sense of humor for this one: A Fat Lane Online Vanessa interview, posted by Y with her tongue in her cheek: I came across an interesting interview with Vanessa at Fat Lane Online. The interview is in French and English. Vanessa seems to have gained some weight in these pictures. If someone gets offended don't tell me, tell Fat Lane.

Christie's auction house sells Edward's hands for $28,200 (Reuters) "...a pair of prop 'scissor hands' from the Johnny Depp film Edward Scissorhands was bought by a determined bidder for a healthy $28,200, nearly six times the high estimate."

Depp's new club for celebrities only. First posted by Emma: Johnny Depp is set to expand his nightclub empire by opening a new venue, exclusively for celebrities, in sin city itself, Las Vegas. Depp, who already owns the Viper Room in Los Angeles and another club in his adopted home city of Paris, is in negotiations to launch a watering hole that is only open to super-celebrities and their friends. Prospective members will have to pass a stiff selection board committee which will include acting legends Lee Majors and James Caan.

Still on that subject, Vicki posted an article found by Sentina that she found in a magazine that came out on the 19th of June called Dag Allemaal (in English, 'Hello Everybody'): JOHNNY DEPP THINKS ABOUT OPENING A MUNDANE CLUB FOR THE SUPER-RICH. Johnny Depp is negotiating with the owners of the Stirling-club in Las Vegas. The actor wants to transform the trendy bar into a meeting place for the rich in the world. The price for membership is to be raised to a few million Belgian Francs. A special commision, among them: James Caan and Lee Majors, will use a strict selection procedure. Johnny Depp is already the owner of 2 bars, one in Los Angeles called "The Viper Room" and one in Paris called "Man Ray". A second "Man Ray"-bar will be opened this summer in New York.

There's a short clip at a Hebrew site found by Aya (locate the pic of Johnny and click on it), but we couldn't figure out what Johnny is saying. Fortunately, ZZZ came to the rescue: "This is an Israeli site, of an Israeli daily entertainment show called "Erev Tov" (which means "good evening" in Hebrew"), hosted by a guy named Guy, who gets his kick by forcing every celebrity he interviews to say the words "Hi Guy, Erev Tov".

Vicki gave us the news that there is a new photo book out in France showcasing our Johnny. Here is the information. If you are a have-to-have-everything collector like Vicki, you can get it at
Auteur : J. SOUCHON
Editeur : LA MASCARA
ISBN : 2914237065
EAN13 : 9782914237062
Paru en : juin 2001
Poids : 258 grammes

And here's potpourri from Aya:

(1) From the Czech SPY magazine - Lily-Rose and her mum (and what looks like an altercation between a photographer and Vanessa's bodyguard).

(2) A Johnny pic

(3) A pic from the set of What's Eating Gilbert Grape

And for you kids who stayed with this Newsletter to the bitter end, here's a special treat sent in by Scott. It's THE KIDS!


New Fan Art!
Two new masterpieces by Johnny fans, Scott and Jason!

June 1997 - Empire (transcript by Meeps)
December 1999 - The Guardian (transcript by Meeps)

Portraits! and Covers!

And THAT'S A WRAP for this month, fans. Johnny love to you all!

For Vicki at

July 2001 newsletter

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