DIF movies
YiJai Clips from DIF2
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DIF 2 - YiJai and Gigi / HungHung
dif2_gary.rm YiJai asks Gary to give him back his family
dif2_gigicook.rm Gigi cooks for YiJai
dif2_gigi.rm A happy YiJai and Gigi
dif2_gigidie1.rm YiJai cries after Gigi dies.
dif2_gigidie2.rm YiJai cries after Gigi dies (part 2).
dif2_hung.rm HungHung decides to stay with YiJai
dif2_drive.rm YiJai displays fatherly affection for HungHung
dif2_game.rm YiJai suspects HungHung of stealing money to buy a video game
dif2_son.rm YiJai apologizes to HungHung for suspecting him and once again claims HungHung as his own son
dif2_bar.rm DaiYung and YiJai at a bar
Email me if there are any clips you want to see!
Email me at rinoapretty@yahoo.com