Our Vacation in
Western North Carolina
by DiLightful
Hi there! This is my first attempt at a web page and also at html so bear with me!
(I don't think I did too badly.)
Recently we went on a wonderful vacation to the mountains of North Carolina. "We" included myself, my mother and daugter and my cousin. I moved here two years ago and I'm still in the process of exploring my "new state".
This is a copy of the map of the area that we visited.
Chimney Rock

Our adventure began in Chimney Rock, North Carolina where we spent our first day. It was cloudy and rainy, but the view from "the rock" was absolutely amazing, probably even more so because of the rain and fog. One minute you could see for miles and the next it looked like you were floating above the clouds! (The red arrow on the one picture is pointing to Lake Lure which is several miles in the distance.)

After driving and then going up Chimney Rock and browsing in all the shops it was very relaxing to come back to our motel and just sit on the porch and enjoy the view. It was a lovely view of the river and there were birdfeeders everywhere. We saw a lot of wild yellow canaries and many hummingbirds.