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Here are some comments about DNAFF from some of by last year’s selected film makers:


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We had a great time at the 2005 DNA Festival in Toronto.  The intimate venue of the “Camera” is ideal for movie lovers who really want to focus on a wide-ranging indie mix.  For filmmakers it’s like playing a small club.  The combination of a stylish bar with a separate, small theatre helps filmmakers get in touch with their audience.  After screenings you transition straight into deep discussions at the bar.  The video projection is crisp and clean with an excellent sound system.  Beware: at DNA you’ll hear things on your tracks you haven’t heard before.  The staff, lead by Aaron Blair gives great support.  While many festivals profess to look out for the economic interests of filmmakers, Aaron actually does.  He sends a festival selection to a wide range of distributors and keeps following up with them long after you’ve left town.  And by the way, you’ll share in the box-office take of your film.  We highly recommend DNA Film Festival and wish them the best of luck for 2006 and beyond.


John Huff  & Andreas Kossak

“Cyxork 7”


Just wanted to drop you a note and thank you for awarding our feature, Hooch & Daddy-O, the opportunity to be a part of the 2005 Digital Narrative Arts Film Festival.  My co-producer, Jim Ousley, attended our screening and had nothing but great things to say about the festival experience.  We'll be sure to encourage filmmakers to submit for your 2006 fest and beyond.


Thanks again,


Oscar Madrid


Just a short note to say thanks to Aaron and everyone involved with the DNA Film Festival in Toronto.
The welcome I recieved was first rate, the venue was fantastic and the projection quality was great.
I had a lovely evening in top company at a first-rate festival.
The fact that Atom Egoyan popped in and watched part of Encounters then had a chat with me in the bar afterwards was a bonus, and capped a great experience.
With this and FAIF in one week, I have had one of the best weeks in my life.
Thanks again, Aaron - here's to your continued success!


Pat Kelman

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