<% ' FP_ASP ASP Automatically generated by a Frontpage Component. Do not Edit. On Error Resume Next Session("FP_OldCodePage") = Session.CodePage Session("FP_OldLCID") = Session.LCID Session.CodePage = 1252 Session.LCID = 1033 Err.Clear strErrorUrl = "" If Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" Then If Request.Form("VTI-GROUP") = "0" Then Err.Clear Set fp_conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, "Cannot create connection" Set fp_rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, "Cannot create record set" fp_conn.Open Application("feedback_ConnectionString") FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, "Cannot open database" fp_rs.Open "Results", fp_conn, 1, 3, 2 ' adOpenKeySet, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, "Cannot open record set" fp_rs.AddNew FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, "Cannot add new record set to the database" Dim arFormFields0(5) Dim arFormDBFields0(5) Dim arFormValues0(5) arFormFields0(0) = "Telephone" arFormDBFields0(0) = "Telephone" arFormValues0(0) = Request("Telephone") arFormFields0(1) = "Email" arFormDBFields0(1) = "Email" arFormValues0(1) = Request("Email") arFormFields0(2) = "Name" arFormDBFields0(2) = "Name" arFormValues0(2) = Request("Name") arFormFields0(3) = "Category" arFormDBFields0(3) = "Category" arFormValues0(3) = Request("Category") arFormFields0(4) = "Comments" arFormDBFields0(4) = "Comments" arFormValues0(4) = Request("Comments") FP_SaveFormFields fp_rs, arFormFields0, arFormDBFields0 If Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_HOST") <> "" Then FP_SaveFieldToDB fp_rs, Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_HOST"), "Remote_computer_name" End If If Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT") <> "" Then FP_SaveFieldToDB fp_rs, Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"), "Browser_type" End If FP_SaveFieldToDB fp_rs, Now, "Timestamp" If Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_USER") <> "" Then FP_SaveFieldToDB fp_rs, Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_USER"), "User_name" End If fp_rs.Update FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, "Cannot update the database" fp_rs.Close fp_conn.Close FP_FormConfirmation "text/html; charset=windows-1252",_ "Form Confirmation",_ "Thank you for submitting the following information:",_ "feedback.htm",_ "Return to the form." End If End If Session.CodePage = Session("FP_OldCodePage") Session.LCID = Session("FP_OldLCID") %> ColumbusRacingVideos Feedback Page
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<% Function FP_SaveFormFields(rs, rgFormFields, rgDBFields) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim i For i = 0 To UBound(rgFormFields) FP_SaveFormField rs, rgFormFields(i), rgDBFields(i) Next Err.Clear End Function Function FP_SaveFormField(rs, strField, strDBField) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear If (Request.Form(strField)) = "" And rs(strDBField).Type <> adBoolean Then Exit Function End If FP_SaveFieldToDB rs, Request.Form(strField), strDBField Err.Clear End Function Function FP_SaveFieldToDB(rs, strField, strDBField) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Select Case rs(strDBField).Type Case adInteger Or adBigInt Or adUnsignedTinyInt Or adUnsignedSmallInt Or adUnsignedInt Or adUnsignedBigInt rs(strDBField) = CInt(strField) Case adSingle Or adDecimal Or adNumeric rs(strDBField) = CSng(strField) Case adDouble rs(strDBField) = CDbl(strField) Case adCurrency rs(strDBField) = CCur(strField) Case adBoolean rs(strDBField) = CBool(strField) Case adDate Or adDBDate Or adDBTime or adDBTimeStamp rs(strDBField) = CDate(strField) Case Else rs(strDBField) = CStr(strField) End Select strError = "Cannot save value """ & strField & """ to database field """ & strDBField & """" FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, strError Err.Clear End Function Function FP_EncodeOutput(str) FP_EncodeOutput = str FP_EncodeOutput = Replace(FP_EncodeOutput,"&","^^@^^") FP_EncodeOutput = Server.HTMLEncode(FP_EncodeOutput) FP_EncodeOutput = Replace(FP_EncodeOutput,"^^@^^","&") End Function Function FP_FormConfirmation(szCharset, szTitle, szmsg1, szUrl, szMsg2) On Error Resume Next Response.Write "" & vbCrLf Response.Write "" & vbCrLf Response.Write "" & vbCrLf Response.Write "" & szTitle & "" & vbCrLf Response.Write "" & vbCrLf Response.Write "" & vbCrLf Response.Write "

" & szTitle & "

" & vbCrLf Response.Write "

" & szMsg1 &"

" & vbCrLf Response.Write "

" & vbCrLf For Each item in Request.Form If item <> "VTI-GROUP" Then Response.Write "" & item & "" & ": " & FP_EncodeOutput(Request.Form(item)) & "
" & vbCrLf End If Next Response.Write "

" & vbCrLf Response.Write "

" & szMsg2 & "

" & vbCrLf Response.Write "" & vbCrLf Response.Write "" & vbCrLf Session.CodePage = Session("FP_OldCodePage") Session.LCID = Session("FP_OldLCID") Response.End End Function Function FP_FormConfirmationFromArrays(szCharset, szTitle, szmsg1, szUrl, szMsg2, rgDBFields, rgDBValues) On Error Resume Next Response.Write "" & vbCrLf Response.Write "" & vbCrLf Response.Write "" & vbCrLf Response.Write "" & szTitle & "" & vbCrLf Response.Write "" & vbCrLf Response.Write "" & vbCrLf Response.Write "

" & szTitle & "

" & vbCrLf Response.Write "

" & szMsg1 &"

" & vbCrLf Response.Write "

" & vbCrLf For j = 0 To UBound(rgDBFields) - 1 Response.Write "" & rgDBFields(j) & "" & ": " & FP_EncodeOutput(rgDBValues(j)) & "
" & vbCrLf Next Response.Write "

" & vbCrLf Response.Write "

" & szMsg2 & "

" & vbCrLf Response.Write "" & vbCrLf Response.Write "" & vbCrLf Session.CodePage = Session("FP_OldCodePage") Session.LCID = Session("FP_OldLCID") Response.End End Function Function FP_DumpError(strErrorUrl, strMsg) On Error Resume Next If Err.Number <> 0 Then fp_conn.Close Session.CodePage = Session("FP_OldCodePage") Session.LCID = Session("FP_OldLCID") If strErrorUrl <> "" Then Response.Redirect strErrorUrl Else Response.Write " " & strMsg & "

" Response.Write "Error Description: " & Err.Description & "

" Response.Write "Error Number: " & Err.Number & "

" Response.Write "Error Source: " & Err.Source & "

" Response.End End If End if End Function %>



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Last modified: September 06, 2002