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Full name:Jennie Fornasier (Supposedly)
a.k.a.:Sex Goddess
b-day:Janurary 13th, 1989
from:my mommy (but at the time she was in North York   what! what!)

fav bands:The Transplants, Foo Fighters, fav movies:night at the rocks berry, XXX movies, Peter Pan,  fav food: n e thing eatable.....but mostly Resse puffs, and vegitarian sushi
Most hated food: mushrooms, onions
Hobbies:snowboarding, skating(i suck ass), pissing off my parents and brother, flirting
Favorite Skater: Tom Penny
Skates: when i do skate( not very often) im reg.
Tattooes: ask in 3 - 4 years then i will
Hair: what hair???... brown but its dyed
Drinks: corona and Kool-Aid
Influences: my son Taras (i love u), bob marley, plouffe cheese, elton john, Barney,
Righty or Lefty: depends on the occasion

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