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 .  Location
 .  History of the Elf Hunt
 .  Join the Hunt!

 .  E.L.V.E.N.
 .  Sellath
 .  Ranfaloth

 .  Webmaster
 .  Additional Information


Hello! I know what you’re here for! To sign up for the Elf Hunt! Ta-da! Mind-meld!

First copy and paste the following into an email and fill in the blanks. Then send it to Kelsey

EzBoard account name:
(don’t have an exboard account name? Sign up here! )

You will have your own little biography page and a survey questions:

1. What is your birthday?
2. What is your sign?
3. What is your favorite food?
4. What is your favorite color?
5. What is your favorite gemstone?
6. What is your favorite movie other than LoTR?
7. Name some hobbies -
8. Do you have any pets? If so, name them.
9. What is your major/field of study?

I do hope you have fun in the hunt! Just jump in anytime. Walk into a room and say ‘hi’!