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Status: Retired Sellath



1. What is your birthday? September 10th
2. What is your sign? Virgo -- and it's scary how much I fit into this category
3. What is your favorite food? Just FOOD, period! Italian or chocolate
4. What is your favorite color? usually all sorts of blues, but I love all colors, especially when they're arranged just right, like in a sunset.
5. What is your favorite gemstone? Blue Sapphire
6. What is your favorite movie other than LoTR? The Princess Bride! After that I'd say the Indiana Jones movies (Indiana, how I love thee) and Spaceballs.
7. Name some hobbies - Singing and anything to do with music, writing, reading, swimming, playing online, babbling about LOTR, sleeping, eating, trying new things.
8. Do you have any pets? Of course! I have a deep seated love for animals that goes way back to childhood. Right now one cat, Misty, and one big baby of a dog, Tia.
9. What is your major/field of study? Haven't decided yet -- history, literature, oceanography, animal sciences -- I'd love to learn it all.

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