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Status: Retired Veteran

Tadandader HalfElven


1. What is your birthday? March 3rd
2. What is your sign? Pisces
3. What is your favorite food? Chinese
4. What is your favorite color? Emerald Green
5. What is your favorite gemstone? Opal
6. What is your favorite movie other than LoTR? The Matrix
7. Name some hobbies - Writing, Acting, Reading
8. Do you have any pets? If so, name them - None right now
9. What is your major/field of study? Theatre Performance

My Quote: "Tadan - A Twist of Fate"

What other PEF have to say about Tadan

"Tadan is the pervy Elrond fancier (PEF- oh how it fits!) who's got deadly accurate aim with her lembas launcher and a very dry and hilarious sense of humor." - El Luitha Uren

"Tadandader is a frequent partner-in-crime with our token Pervy Manly-man Fancier, El Luitha uren. She is very fond of purple attire, as purple is a favorite color among certain elf-lords." - Nimrodel

"Tadandader is our Elrond fancier of the group. Her quick hand with a lembas launcher has saved countless PEF's from the menace of ELF. Tadan is very much appriciated in our hunt." - Tinuviel

"Tadan is the only PEF who won't share her elf with anyone else. But that's OK, who wants Elrond when you have Leggykins?" - Mariana

"Tadan sometimes strikes me as the brains of this operation, as I've noticed that without her or luitha along, very little gets accomplished other than all of us being captured. I think with all the craziness we get up to, she's got her work cut out for her." - Lizard

"Tadan is an extremely adept hunter; partial to the ruling line from Rivendell, she can hold her own against Ricci's wraiths and still be able to have a battle of wits (in the most positive of ways) with her elf Lord." - Undomiel

"Tadan is very good at making traps crucial to many Elven captures. Always happy to share, and will offer wonderful Elves in ways of apologies to those PEF stupid enough to fall in her traps." - Saffron

"Ah Tadan what shall I compare thou too?
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Nay, for thou stays up later in the glorious night
than the most persistent summer's day:
Thou goest along with thou's Elrond,
light and joyful as a May's eve." - Gottadance (top two lines Shakespeare, last few hers)