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Status: Active Huntress



1. When is your birthday? 18th June
2. What is your astrological sign? Gemini.(Snake in chinese astrology)
3. What is your favorite food? Ice cream
4. What is your favorite colour? White, but also gray and very light blue.
5. What is your favorite gemstone? Diamond or aquamarine.
6. What is your favorite movie other than LOTR? "Evolution",or most films by Alfred Hitchcock.
7. Name some hobbies: science, chemistry, violin playing, karate.
8. Do you have any pets? No, but I love cats, especially siamese and bengal cats.
9. What is your major field of study? Still at school, but I'd like to do astrophysics or quantum physics later.

What other PEF have to say about Tinuvie

"Tinuvie: Our wonderful and brilliant scientist, who can talk most Elves into submission by prattling off scientific explanations. Maker of all kinds of fantastic chemical potions (all harmless or course). Always a busy bee, pacing up and down scratching her head ..... the brains behind us all." - Saffron

"Tinuvie: Our clever young scientist is always around to give advice on the most scientific way to subdue our targets. When not mixing chemicals or reading her beloved science book, Tinuvie likes to hang out with Glorfindel and try to deepen his understanding of chemistry." - Lizard

"Tinuvie is the creator of many weapons we use against ELF, such as chloroform and gas bombs. A smart girl and a brilliant science teacher, she has shown the wonders of physics to people like Legolas and Glorfindel." - Mariana

"Tinuvie is one of our most scientific PEFs. She and her cricket Gamma, are always coming up with new chemical devices...some of which certain PEFs would do well to stay away from. A Tae bo instructor in training,Tinuvie is proving to be a remarkably adept student....maybe a little too adept!" - Nimrodel

"Tinuvie is the fellow scientist on the board who distributes chloroform bombs and keeps Glorfindel up to date on various chemical procedures. She, her cricket Gamma, and her horse Photon are quite the trio!" - Luitha

"Tinuvie is our scientist, always coming up with a new invention, like the chloroform laced strawberry scent that she 'accidently' spilled on Legolas' shirt." - Tadan

"Tinuvie is a brilliant chemist! The inventor of many helpful contraptions, her charm can get her out of almost any sticky situation." - Tinuviel