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Status: Retired Veteran



1. What is your birthday? April 24th
2. What is your sign? Taurus
3. What is your favorite food? Sushi, pasta.
4. What is your favorite color? Orange.
What is the flying velocity of a swallow?
5. What is your favorite gemstone? Amber
6. What is your favorite movie other than LoTR? Fight Club. (Ah, Brad Pitt.)
7. Name some hobbies - Posting, reading, songwriting, team sports.
8. Do you have any pets? Nope.
9. What is your major/field of study? Psychology.

What other PEF have to say about her

"Tinuviel is rapidly becoming one of our most mischievious elf hunters. She is always a good sport, even when she wakes up with footprints on her face! No wonder Gildor loves her!" - Nimrodel

"Tinuviel is always ready for the next adventure, and they seem to happen often around her. Luckily she knows how to defend herself, and is never without Marshmellow cream." - Tadan

"Tinuviel . . . what to say about Tinuviel? Michevious, fun loving, yes. But also a great hunter and a loyal PEF. Lots of great times have been had when she is around; whether it's just talking, or out hunting Miruvoir for a party." - Undomiel

"Tinuviel is a skilled hunter and a forgiving person. One could step on her face today and she'll be helping to rescue her by the next day, never one to hold a grudge! Er... Not that I would know ANYTHING about that." - Lizard

"Tinuviel has a wonderful way of match-making PEF's to their ideal Elf. She makes good cups of tea. She sings wonderfully and yodels even better. I know she sets Gildor's heart a beating too (he told me so)." - Saffron