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Everything Ernest


*length: one hour and thirty one minutes
*rated PG (violence, questionable for children)
*released in 1991
*the VHS is out of print, but still in stock from many online vendors as well as ebay (I wonder why???) . . . but it is getting harder and harder to find at your local video store
*It made a ballot pick at the 1991 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards ( losing out in the end to such classics as Cool as Ice and Shakes the Clown


*E! online gave it a B-

*IMBd gave it a user rating 4.1 out of 10 (281 votes)-- "Good but not the best" . . . but what do they know?

*from "After realizing that Christmas is not the only holiday around, Ernest does the Halloween thing. This is one of my personal Ernest favorites, as there's a troll around. Trolls are neat." (hahaha! I love that! "Trolls are neat.")

*A Strange Review from said this:

Brian: I saw this movie in the theatre with my father back in the day. It's kind of funny, with a few scares, but parts. Pretty lame happy ending scenes. Loved that "miak" part though.
Stacy: Miak part?
Brian: Guess you missed that part. Did you see any of the movie?
Stacy: I saw the last few minutes. The effects were a bit cheesy for my tastes. Oh, and the part about milk as a weapon against the trolls, pretty stupid if you ask me.
Brian: So, you only saw the worst part of the movie. But that's never stopped us from reviewing before.
Stacy: Of course not.
Brian: Shall we rate it then?
Stacy: If we must.

Brian gave it 3 pumpkins, Stacy gave it 2.

*The lone review from Yahoo! Video Shopping:
Message--"Yo, listen up biatches. This movie is the diggity ding dong shlizity. If you doesn't like dis mo fuggin' piece o' film you's one smelly chank busta. Peace out! RIP Jim Varney mah dawg yo. Chilly chang."--phyllisdong (suprisingly, this is NOT me and NO, I didn't make it up!)

*Steve Davis from the Austin Chronicle Online Movie Guide gave ESS 2 Stars and a lot of insults. Example: "What's this with Ernest P. Worrell and the holidays? First, there was Ernest Saves Christmas and now Ernest Scared Stupid, just in time for Halloween. What next? Ernest at Plymouth Rock? Or Ernest Sees His Shadow? . . . Although the scares in this movie are minimal, Ernest Scared Stupid nonetheless offers the frightening prospect of yet another installment of the Big E's misguided antics. Any bets as to what it will be? How about Yankee Doodle Ernest? Or maybe Ernest's Arbor Day Adventure? It's anybody's demented guess." Hmm . . . last time I checked, "Plymouth Rock" wasn't a holiday. His summary of the movie was this: "The movie is good for two or three laughs for adults, who will find it surprisingly bearable; kids will undoubtedly relish Ernest's stupid shenanigans more." Yeah, that sounds about right.

*The American Humane Association gave it a "believed acceptable" rating for treatment of Rimshot during filming and went into great detail about how scenes with the dog were filmed. They continually reassure their audience that in the scenes where Rimshot is driving Ernest's truck, "there is (really) a driver operating the vehicle". What?! And I thought dogs could drive! And on a sad note, "The production coordinator did not notify AHA of the production and, as a result, was terminated from her job." Ouch!


*from Slow-witted and annoying as all get out, commercial spokesperson Ernest (Jim Varney) gets into deep trouble when he decides to build a treehouse for the neighborhood kid and accidentally digs up an ugly, evil-tempered troll who hates all children and shows it by promptly turning the five kids helping Ernest into wooden sculptures. This is the fourth entry in the Ernest series and is filled with the goofy humor that has made the films popular with preadolescent kids.

Director - John Cherry

The Complete Cast

Ernest P. Worrell - Jim Varney
Old Lady Hackmore - Eartha Kitt
Kenny - Austin Nagler
Elizabeth - Shay Astar
Trantor - Jonas Moscartolo
Tom Tulip - John Cadenhead
Bobby Tulip - Bill Byrge
Matt - Richard Woolf
Mike - Nick Victory
Joey - Alec Klapper
Gregg - Steven Moriyon
Cliff - Daniel Butler
Amanda - Esther Huston
Mayor Murdock - Larry Black
Elizabeth's Mother - Denice Hicks
Crying Woman - Melanie Wheeler
Teacher - Jackie Welch
Jimmy - Mark Delabarre
Joey's Dad - Michael Montgomery
Mother - Mary Jane Harvill
Daughter - Lauren Frankenbach
Parent - Roberta Madison
Another Parent - Barry Scott
Parent #1 - Cathy Susan Pyles
Parent #2 - Myke R. Mueller
Little Girl - Jessa Fahey
Steve Swindell - Mike Hutchinson
Francis' Mother - Adora Dupree
Ernest's Teacher - Joey Anderson
Child #1 - Dennis Harrison Jr.
Child #2 - Danielle Harrison
Trantor the Troll (voice) - Ernie Fosselius
Troll - Nellie Batson
Troll - Angela Chao
Troll - Renee Clary
Troll - Deidre Clower
Troll - Rhonda Clower
Troll - Ann Dresen
Troll - Misty Eaker
Troll - Ralph Green Jr.
Troll - Tammy Harrison
Troll - Dana Kennedy
Troll - Pamela Kippes
Troll - Renee Leblanc
Troll - Glenn Seer
Troll - Tawanya Smith
Troll - Todd Suttles
Troll - Douglas Zagorski
Parent - Judy Austin
Parent - Jodie Evans
Parent - Phyllis Fuller
Parent - Melissa Gerach
Parent - Reginald Glimps
Parent - Jeanette Green
Parent - Marc Gullen
Parent - Will Hammond
Parent - Vicki Jacobs
Parent - John Phillips
Parent - Daniel Sarenana
Parent - Gwendolyn Smith
Parent - Vanessa Smith
Parent - Bobby Storm
Parent - Ann Young
Kids Army - Daniel Higgs
Kids Army - Gregg Higgs
Kids Army - Karson Kanitz
Kids Army - Marin Miller
Kids Army - Luke Robert

Studio - Emshell Producers Group, Touchstone

ESS Links

Ernest has his own website!
ESS at Yesterdayland
There are 1305 copies left of the movie here (last time I checked)
You can buy a presskit here for $10
Random parent in the movie, John Phillips, has his own site
Another place to buy the movie
The Most Detailed Review in the World

Jim Varney Tribute Pages

Jim Varney Official Tribute Site (you can purchase the movie here, too)
Jim Varney: A Man Who Never Tasted Quiche
The Importance of Being Ernest
Ernest Actor Jim Varney Dies At 50

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