C A M P S P I R I T L A K E - D A R E S
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Dare 1:
Team Member: Chris
Location: Pet Cemetery
When humans couldn't be used for sacrifices, animals had to take their place. There remains were left here. Visitors to the camp said that they see and hear ghost dogs and chickens here.
Dare: Row across the lake to reach the pet cemetery. Uncover the new grave and remove its contents. Remain here for 10 minutes in radio silence.
Dare Status: Dare Complete
Dare 2:
Team Member: DiDi
Location: Psychomanthium Chamber in the Lakota Ruins
Located in the Lakota Ruins, the Psychomanthium Chamber is housed here. It is a small six-sided room with mirrored walls and ceiling. This was used as a way to communicate with the dead. Spirits would come through the mirrors and contact the channeler the danger came when any spirit can come through even if it wasn't invited.
Dare: Take the scroll in the box and go to the psychomanthium chamber located in the Lakota Ruins. Enter, crouch in it, and close the door. Recite the chant on the scroll and then remain in there for 20 minutes in radio silence.
Dare Status: Dare Aborted, DiDi Disqualified
Dare 2 (continued):
Team Member: CiCi
Dare: Complete the dare aborted by DiDi.
Dare Status: Dare Complete
[next two dares will be completed at the same time]
Dare 3:
Team Member: Jen
Location: Chopping Block at the Lakota Ruins
Victims are brought here for their ritualistic sacrifices. The cults would then dismember the body parts of the victims after they had horrifically killed them. This was to hide the evidence and cover their tracks.
Dare: Take the black satin bag from the safe house and report to the chopping block at the Lakota Ruins. Put on the rubber gloves, open the box, and remove its contents. The box contains a cleaver and a dead chicken. You must then put the chicken's head through the hole and read the ancient Sumerian Chant. Upon completion of reading the changt, chop off its head. Put everything in the box and return to the safe house.
Dare Status: Dare Completed
Dare 4:
Team Member: Javier
Location: Pawnee Cabin
This was one of the cabins that the cults utilized for their sadistic and satanic rituals. The cult members chanted in tongues and drank the blood of their sacrificed victims here.
Dare: Take the black cylinder to the Pawnee Cabin. Retrace the recently painted pentagram used to channel spirits that is on the floor.
Dare Status: Dare Completed
*It begins to rain, psychics belive that inclimate weather amplifies spirit portals and increases paranormal activity.
Dare 5:
Team Member: Chris
Location: Hopi Cabin
Another one of the cabins that is used for the satanic rituals of the cult. Used to initiate members.
Dare: Report to the Hopi Cabin and take the mental endurance test (rat box). The test that must be endured is that you must keep your eyes open and remain silent for 5 minutes in radio silence.
Dare Status: Dare Completed
Dare 6:
Team Member: Jen
Location: Pawnee cabin
Blood represents life. Life cannot take place with out blood. Blood is used to attract the spirits of the deceased. Psychics believe that the blood of a female would attract more spirits because females give life.
Dare: Take the red pouch and the envelope to the cabin. After receiving instructions that she needs to complete the dare in radio silence, she opens the envelope. The envelope contained the instructions. People must remain in radio silence during the completion of the dare. You have to prick your finger and place the blood in the middle of the pentagram.
Dare Status: Dare Completed
Dare 7:
Team Member: Chris
Location: Burial Grounds
This was the location where the bodies of their human sacrifices were placed after they sacrificed. Sacrificial females were thrown into the grave and the satanic priests would brutally rape them. Also, wooden box served as makeshift coffins when the sacrifices were literally buried alive.
Dare: Make your way to the burial grounds and remove the radio from the vest. Climb into the coffin and close the lid. You must remain in radio silence until given other directions. Chris remained in the coffin for 47 minutes and as an added note: Chris was claustrophobic.
Dare Status: Dare Completed
Dare 8:
Team Member: CiCi
Location: Burial Grounds
Dare: Leave radio in the safe house and take the shovel and the printed directions. The directions say to bury the coffin with dirt while Chris remained inside.
Dare Status: Dare Completed
Dare 9:
Team Member: Chris , CiCi , Javier , and Jen
Location: Pawnee Cabin
Dare: Report to the Pawnee Cabin with all the items collected from the previous dares. The goal is to release all the trapped and tortured souls of the victims from the camp. Light all the candles located at the points of pentagram. Place the chicken head in the bowl that is located on top of the blood and put the contents of the bone box that was dug up in an earlier dare by Chris beside it. Then repeat the chant.
Dare Status: Dare Completed