"I have not failed, I have just found a thousand ways that do not work."

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What am I currently doing?

Or rather to be more precise, what is my current frame of mind? What am I thinking about the most? What is my most recent obsession? When am I going to stop asking these rhetorical questions?

June 2006


- Music? John Lennon, The Kooks and The Libertines.
- Film? The Lost Weekend, Double Indemnity... anything by Billy Wilder.
- TV show? Lost
- Book? Stalin The Biography, by Robert Service


- Current obsession? Unfortunately, it is the TV show Lost. I am addicted, sadly, even though it is mostly brainless. Perhaps that is why I'm addicted to it... I need something which requires no thought.
- Political leanings? Still leaning very comfortably on the Conservatives, they have gained my grudging respect, although I believe all political parties are corrupt really... and they're all the same really now as well. Having said that, I have a growing fondness for communism, at the opposite end of the spectrum, I suppose that comes from reading too many books about it. Although it doesn't work, I still find it quite endearing.
- Annoyance? The government, but when do they not annoy me? Each Home Office fiasco about incompetence goes right over my head - stop just reporting it! Get the idiots out! (If only it were that simple.)
- What am I thinking about? Getting away from this shithole. I can't wait for summer to arrive, hopefully my friend and I will be going down to Cornwall for a few days.

- When am I going to stop asking these questions? Hopefully never, questions are good. If you don't ask you won't receive... I refuse to say anymore cliches after that.