Wednesday 21st July '04

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Wednesday July 21st 2004

WOOHOO!!!!! Well, everyone, I don't know about you, but I'm finally off school for 6 weeks! Thank God, it's been a really difficult year, what with coursework, social life and everything. Now I have a chance to rest for a while! (and have fun as well, of course)
On Monday I went surfing, it was fantastic! The journey to where we were surfing (Croyde Bay in Devon)took a while (about 6 hours I think). That was mainly because one of the teachers who went on the trip (who shall remain nameless) filled the mini-bus with unleaded petrol instead of diesel. Which meant that all 15 of us spent about an hour waiting for the AA to turn up, and then another hour or so while they emptied the fuel tank and put diesel in it. The teacher, got is totally ripped out of him, lol, poor thing.
By the time we reached Croyde Bay we were late for our first surfing lesson. But we still managed to get around half an hour in the ocean. I was absolutely rubbish first time round, and I swallowed so much sea water... urgh... the surfer dudes were trying to get us to stand up on our first go! Which I did not achieve. However, by the next day I did it around 3 or 4 times, which I am really proud out, considering the lack of sleep I had had. Everyone was really worn out by Tuesday afternoon. We all slept on the mini bus for about an hour and a half. Awwww! My arms kill now, after all that hard work! I find it hard to put on a jumper, but it was well worth it! We had so much fun.
And today, well today was the last day of term, so all we did was watch films in classes. (Damn, no geography, hehe).
This summer holidays I hope to get a few things achieved:

  • Get fit
  • Read a long novel
  • Expand my CD collection
  • Spend more time outside than in.
  • Well, I think it's a pretty good list. I've decided that I don't want to spend my summer hols sat around doing nothin (like I usually do)and use my time constructively!

    Anyways, that's it for now folks! Enjoy the good weather and life in general while you can!

    'Seize the day.'