Wednesday 21st July '04

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Monday 16th August 2004

Heya everyone! How have your summers been so far? Mine hasn't been too bad, apart from the rubbish weather we've been getting (I got totally drenched today). Two weeks ago I went on holiday to Devon (woo...) which was kinda fun. But I won't bore you with that.
What have I been doing lately? Well not much to be honest WAIT! Stop before you go away! I have, however, been getting some pretty damn interesting information concerning the Harry Potter books. As a lot of you may know J. K. Rowling was at the Edinburgh Book Festival last weekend and she answered questions from the fans after giving a reading from Order of the Phoenix. No, I wasn't there, but still, as a fan I found the following information quite interesting: Dumbledore's brother, Aberforth, is actually the barman in the Hog's Head, and that we should be asking ourselves: Why didn't Voldemort die when he tried to kill Harry? (not the other way round) and Why didn't Dumbledore kill Voldemort at the end of OotP? I have no idea to be honest, but I'm sure we'll find out.
I'll stop talking about that now.
My social life is pretty confusing right now. As you may not know I am in a band, there are four of us: me, Kyle, Phil and James. We played at the end of year concert at school, which was really cool and I think we did really well. But I'm getting besides the point. I used to go out with one member of the band (I won't say who, becuase if they find this they might get mad) but we broke up and now things are really awkward. I don't mind saying that I'm pretty pissed off with the certain person, but it's made everything pretty tense. I guess it's all just hormones. And to make matters worse, last week someone else asked me out, but I declined because I didn't really like them in that way and now they're not speaking to me now! But I like him as a friend! It's really bad! I guess this all comes with being a teenager.
To keep me distracted I have been reading a lot (To Kill a Mocking- Bird) and have been going running every other day, as well as going to the cinema a lot.
See, I'm keeping with the targets I set myself.:-)
Speak to you all soon!

'Seize the day.'