August 12th 2005
As you may have noticed, I haven't been around in a while. There is a simple explanation for this: school work. It was my final year at school so I really had to get my head down and work hard for my exams. So now that that is all over, I can kick back, relax, go to my part time job, and do whatever I want! So I'll be doing my best to keep this site up to date as often as possible.
So, first off, how are you all? Hope you're all doing fine and keeping yourselves well! Summer is finally upon us (except for those in the southern hemisphere, I hear parts of Australia are under snow presently!)so when I'm not working I'll be out lazing in the sun, or in the cinema, either way it's all good.
I'm sure a lot of you will sympathise with me when I say that I hate exams! Not just the actual doing of the things but also the nervous trepidation of having to wait for the results. It's currently 13 days until mine come out, fingers crossed it all goes alright for me and for everyone else who is waiting for theirs too!
I've got a few ideas coming up for the site over the summer. I shall be resuming my 'Stuff of the Month' pages ASAP, I'm thinking The Godfather for films and am currently deliberating on what to write about for books and bands, I'll keep you posted.
As the great Ron Burgandy says: You stay classy.