Friday 2nd June 2006

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Friday 2nd June 2006

Good evening, one and all.
Yes, it is coming to that time of year once again. No - not the time of year where everyone sits out on the veranda and drinks Pimms (although I wouldn't be adverse to it) but, alas, exam time! It is beyond cruelty that all of us young ones are forced into a stuffy room and made to write about such irrelevant things as the British constitution and whether Asquith really was an absolute idiot or not. They make us do this when the weather actually starts to get nice (in England at least) the temperature goes up, and all we really want to do is go and lie about in the glorious sunshine or make love.

And no! They are not even content with this cruel fate. I'm sure when schools first came about during the 1980s, Margeret Thatcher was sat in her floral-covered chair in No. 10 and thought: now, what else can I do to make this country worse? and of course the answer came at once! Why, I'll make all those young whipper-snappers take their exams in the middle of the summer months, not only will they have to stay in for the exams but they shall have to stay in to revise as well! MWHAHAHAHA (OK, so maybe Maggie didn't think that, but I'm pretty sure she used the evil laugh a couple of times.)

You may not have guessed it, but yes I have been stuck indoors for the past week or so revising for the dreaded exams which I shall sit next week. It's more than daunting, I can tell you. For all others out there who have been battling with revision, I feel your pain. It sucks.

To make matters worse, I have to work too on Saturdays. 'Tis a hard life! I wouldn't have it any other way though. We moan, grumble and complain a lot in England but we've got it good over here really. So maybe our government is corrupt and rubbish, it doesn't matter, because for many it doesn't really affect peoples lives too much. But what about those poor people in Indonesia who have just suffered a massive earthquake? Thousands dead and homeless, at least we have the privelage of having a roof over our heads and a comfortable lifestyle.

Sorry, for going on the moral rampage, but it really gets me at work when I say 'Sorry, we haven't got it in stock, I can order it for you if you like.' And the customers get all stressy with me! I mean, honestly, it's not that bad really - it could be a lot worse! It'll only take a week or so for the damn thing to arrive. Those people starving after the earthquake have to wait for more vital things to arrive - like food for instance! And you're complaining about a T-shirt! That sort of thing really gets my goat. People should appreciate more what they've got.

As always, keep on truckin'.

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