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Documents made with English Editor 2

between 2000 and 2002

:: Koncorrrde [Diário de Bordo] :: Koncorrrde [Diário de Bordo] Part II :: Another fucking text :: Another XML test :: Far out :: GENKI - all is well :: Going nowhere :: Nadas :: New transparent moon :: Nothing of interest (this file is still subject unoriented...) :: Record ov Breaks :: the effects of Plasma :: what day is today? :: What do you want me to do? :: Wonder why


Of all of these 15 documents there's only one or two that get constant updates. All the others have been untouched for a lot of time.

- They exist mainly because of the pleasure I take on writing with EE2. The simple interface and the subtle blue transparencies have a big effect on me.

- There's no text/xml editor like EE2. That's not a joke. EE2 is really original in it's simplicity. It's a shame that it's not being developed since 1999, as far as I know... It should be great to see some new features in a new release. Hope should never die when concerning this XML editor.

- There's no editor as beautiful as EE2. Not even for MacOS "anyversion". At least that I know of... But this editor was released, as usual, in another flavour for BeOS R4.5, the PowerPC processor version. So the Mac people running Genki, or BeOS R4.5, could enjoy it. I wonder how many Macs are still runing R4.5... Not many, I suppose. I'd love to see one. Maybe one day I'll find on the MatriX one screenshot of a Mac running R4.5. Or even a photograph of the monitor...

[ Dream Mode On ] - One of my dreams is to own a LapTop with BeOS 5 and EE2. That would be very, very nice. Along with a cup of cortado and a Café Créme Oriental. No other software would be needed apart from Netscape, Corel Draw, Photoshop and maybe the OpenOffice suite. That's a good idea for another file titled "Survival Software".

::::: This was made with GlobeEditor in 2002. Globe is an Hungarian HTML editor for BeOS5 :::::