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Gutter Productions
Sunday, 4 January 2004

EPISODE I: “Natural Selection”

Written by David Branson
Co-written by Mike Pilliero
Storyboarding by Brian Nagy

Director - David Branson
1st Assistant Director - Brianna Bekier
Editor - Matt Belfiglio
Director of Photography - Brian Nagy


Joe………………………………Sam Well
Miss Popular…………….Shantel Barrios
Ronnie the Rebel……………..Brian Nagy
A.D.D. Darren…………......Sam Holborne
Vice Principal…………… ..Gabor Takacs
Suckup……………… …….Meghan Roach

Inspiration by:
The Breakfast Club
The Big Lebowski

{MUSIC: Bob Dylan-The Man in Me}

[The scene begins with the camera close to school lockers, slowly moving along an immeasurable row, as students are moving up and down along them, some opening and closing their lockers right before the camera reaches their locker. (EXAMPLES) a girl and a guy making out and then roll away right before the camera reaches them, then a bully slams a kid up against the lockers and pulls him back out of the way of the camera just in time. All this time, the beginning credits are rolling]


[If anyone was trying to avoid the youth population, they’d have come to the wrong place. The scene reveals crowds of students all talking to each other, some gathered closer together than others.]

[The monotone bell is seen, and sometime later, heard with the typical “RINGGGG”]

[The students gathered in the hallway are shown again, and with the anticipation that the bell changes their mood, it doesn’t.]

[Suddenly the intercom is shown again, and the words that come out are very forceful to the student’s lax attitude]

[INTERCOM]: This is a tardy sweep, all students must be in their classes by the time the tardy bell rings or they will face the consequences.

[All visible students stop in their places, as they hear those blood-ridden words, and pick up their books and run. It becomes a riot, as kids are running to their classes, all of their movements and faces extremely exaggerated, some students clashing and pushing each other away as they are moving towards classes in opposite directions. It is hard to follow one person because of the interlaced conflict.]

[A clean pair of black dress shoes vigilantly pushes forward in the mess; even from the shoes you can tell the confidence of the person wearing them.]

[A student trips over himself and, arms flailing, falls down, his books and papers flying everywhere.] “Milton”

[A clipboard is seen being carried against the person’s chest tightly, as if a life guarded secret was written on it.]

[A girl is still sitting down on a bench talking on her cell phone, twirling her hair with a dozen flowers below her feet and balloons in her hand] “Miss Popular”

[Eyes are seen shifting back and forth, as if patrolling the hallways all by themselves]

[A guy is seen reaching with a coat hanger up the vending machine trying to get at the candy in there, frustration on his face with no sign of caring that there is a tardy sweep] “Ronnie the Rebel”

[Hands are shown, squeezing air as if it’s a student’s throat]

[Another student is just leaning against a wall, eyes blandly starring towards nothing, with only space in his mind; he is obviously oblivious to anything that is happening around him.] “ADD Darren”

[A slight grin is shown; a fairly close up shot, but the grin is almost sincere, to the point that it is unsure of its consequences.]

[A last student is shown, getting out of his car in the student parking lot, looks at his watch, grabs his books, and begins to walk to his fate.]

[It shows them all, one at a time, being caught by security, some giving up more easily then others.]

[It shows the Vice Principal’s office, the camera very slowly closing in on the door, with every one of the students that was caught being filtered into the door slowly, and then the door closing just as the camera gets to the door.


[JOE]: Lets start at the left, and move our way down, shall way? The one bringing up the end, that’s Miss Popular. She has a record of turning down 13 guys in under a minute to the last school dance.

[Shows 13 guys in a line with flowers, or cards or balloons, camera follows from the end of the line to the front, where she is shaking her head to the guy currently displaying his affection for her.]

[JOE]: Next in line is RONNIE the Rebel. His nickname is pretty descriptive of what type of person he is classified as. Supposedly, he was the one who went into Principal Hasting’s office and made every student’s dream a reality.

[shows him spray painting the office, with some cool shots, including one of the camera in where the wall is, and him spray painting the camera out]

[JOE]: Now this next fella, he is the one I’m actually surprised would be here. I wouldn’t know, this is my first one, but MILTON shouldn’t be here. MILTON is your classic nerd, who deals with your classic bully’s.

[Shows MILTON walking along, then without warning two guys grab him by his arms and drag him and to the nearest trash can, where they quickly deposit him into it roughly.

[JOE]: To finish the recipe, we have A.D.D. DARREN. The doctors say his attention span is abnormal--abnormal meaning he doesn’t have one. Sometimes it gets him in trouble.

[Shows him leaning against the wall; a drug dealer is whispering to another guy nearby, when suddenly he catches DARREN starring at what he thinks is him, he confronts DARREN, asking him what hes looking at, and when he doesn’t respond, punches him in the face.]

[JOE]: As for me, I’m just your average Joe Smith--JOE Schindler to be exact. It’s a little boring, but I’m not here to excite you. Now, for the two that are bickering away…

[Shows SUCKUP and SWEEPER bickering at each other, and occasionally glancing and pointing towards them]

[JOE]: The shorter of the two, and the younger, is SUCKUP. No one knows her name, because no one wants to talk to someone that will report every breath you blow in front of her face. If you look carefully at any situation, you will see her in the set of it all, behind the action, but not far enough back to miss it.

[Shows SUCKUP in every one of the last scenes, at some angle it zooms in or zooms out and you see her hiding there, eyes intently locked on the middle of the action.

[JOE]: The more infamous one, and taller, is MR. SEVIER, the Vice Principal, and the supervisor of all tardy sweep operations. He decided to start tardy sweeps because he had seen the students being extremely lax with what time they arrived at school and decided that this was one of the ways he could take advantage of his power. He has no fans in the student body—with exception of SUCKUP. He is feared and hated at the same time.

[Shows shots of him looking at his watch as students are entering classrooms, maybe some rack focus’s, then another shot of a student being called into his office and shortly after being thrown out of his door, slamming hard to the floor.]

[BACK IN INTERROGATION ROOM: MR SEVIER turns around towards the imprisoned students with hatred on his face.]

[Shows Joe turn towards the camera, then the camera quickly pulls in Snatch style, with phshtt sound effect]

[JOE]: So guys—what’s the plan?

-Scene abruptly ends-


Posted by film/frenchie at 10:54 PM PST
Updated: Sunday, 1 February 2004 11:08 PM PST
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