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Kiddy Politics!
Kiddy Politics!©
Original concept by Ken Hughes
Original draft by Ken Hughes
Current draft Version 1.04

Click on the available options to read any of the stories listed below:
1. The Space Race
2. The Cuban Missile Crisis
3. The Gulf War

The Space Race
Original draft by Ken Hughes


Jimmy: I’m going to launch my rocket high up an’ it’s gonna go way up into the sky…

Nikolai: My rocket is way bigger than yours. My rocket’s gonna go up into the sky and it’s gonna go even further than yours!

Jimmy: My daddy said he's gonna buy me the new Explorer rocket and it can go way further than both of these…

Nikolai: Well, my daddy’s coming home with my new Vostok-Rocca rocket that will carry my action-man figure and still go way further than yours…

Jimmy: The Explorer rocket is the best rocket… and I’ll show you when my daddy gets home. My rocket will carry all three of my action-man figures…

Nikolai: My daddy is coming home with my new Vostok rocket in three hours… and I’ll show you…

Jimmy: Well, my daddy’s coming home in two hours and I’ll show you…

Nikolai: My daddy’s coming home in one hour and you’ll see…

Jimmy: My daddy’s coming home in ten minutes…

Nikolai: My daddy will be here in five…

Jimmy: My daddy will be here in two…

Nikolai: …In one minute!

Jimmy: …Half a minute!

Nikolai: Well I’m no more playing wit’ you!

Jimmy: Well I’m no more your friend...


The Cuban Missile Crisis
Original draft by Ken Hughes


Nikolai: I’m going to go and play with my toys over there…

Jimmy: Noooooo…! You can’t play over there. Uncle Sam wants to grow another vegetable garden in that spot…

Nikolai: But that’s the best spot…!

Jimmy: I told you already… You cannot play over there!

Nikolai: Well, I want to play over there…!

Jimmy: You can’t! You’ll ruin the ground… and the vegetables won’t grow properly.

Nikolai: I’m going to go and play over there anyway! I don’t care about those stupid vegetables...

(Jimmy blocks the path of Nikolai as he attempts to move to the new spot)

Jimmy: Nooooo…! You can’t! I won’t let you play over there… Uncle Sam will be very cross with you…

(Nikolai blinks and turns around to leave...)

Nikolai: Oh never mind… I don’t want to play in that silly spot anyway. I’ve got a better spot over here – So there...!


The Gulf War
Original draft by Ken Hughes


Sadman: Hey, I heard Suraya and her friends are having a party over at their tree house. Why don’t you all go over and check on what that bunch is getting up to?

Jedi Knight #1: Oh, c’mon Sadman. We’re still playing cops and robbers over here – We’re not gonna waste our time on that bunch o’ losers…

Sadman: Wel… If you want to be a part of my Jedi Knight gang – You’d better do as I say…

Jedi Knight #1: Oh… okay… We’re heading over there now!

Sadman: Hey…! Don’t forget to grab some of them nice remote controlled cars they have over there… Ok!

Jedi Knight #1: Sure, no problem…

(The Jedi Knight gang make their way over to Suraya’s tree house)

Jedi Knight #1: Hey! – You bunch of geeks… Think you can have a party without inviting the Jedi Knight gang, hey… C’mon! Pack all of this stuff in our box… NOW! We’ll teach you losers to make an effort to send out invitations next time…

Suraya: No! We won’t do it! We’re not scared of you and your silly Jedi Knight gang!

Jedi Knight #1: What…?

(Boom, bang, kapow, kabang, dash, slap, dish, dash, boom, bang…)

Suraya: Waaaaaaaaah! I’m gonna tell Uncle Hugh an’… sniff-sniff, he’s gonna clobber you, sniff-sniff…

Jedi Knight #1: Huh…? Weain’t afraid o’ nobody!

(The Jedi Knights make off with their ill-gotten gains)

Ali: Hey look… there’s Georgy Porgy! Lets go over an’ tell him what’s happened.

(The kids run over to Georgy Porgy who’s walking down the street…)

Georgy Porgy: Hey… Why ’re you kids all lookin’ so down…

Suraya: The Jedi Knight gang came over and took all of our party treats… and our toys…

Georgy Porgy: Oh really…! Where’s Uncle Hugh an’…

(Ali spots Uncle Hugh an’…)

Ali: …there he is – Over there!

(The kids all run over, surround Uncle Hugh an’… explain their situation to him)

Uncle Hugh an’…: Where is the Jedi Knight gang now?

Ali: They all hang out over in that old broken down school building…

(They then make their way over to Sadman’s hideout. The Jedi Knight gang members take off, leaving Sadman alone in a back chamber…)

Sadman: Hey! Why is this remote control car moving so slowly…? Would one of you loons go out and get me some… Cough!

(Georgy Porgy grabs Sadman by the throat as Uncle Hugh an’… steps forward)

Sadman: Hey, hey… take it easy, man… We were just playing…

Uncle Hugh an’…: Why are you messing with these kids, huh? If you don’t behave yourself, you’ll have to deal with me….

(The kids collect all their toys together and make ready to leave)

Sadman: Sniff-sniff! This is not over I tell you… sniff-sniff. I’m gonna get you all back for this…

Uncle Hugh an’…: Gees! What’s this world coming to…? Can't you kids play nice and end all of this friction – smooth over your differences? Come along Suraya… Let me rub some oil on your wounds...


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