Rex Killiante:
Well, it didn't happen overnight. The first major development that led to Noir, believe it or not, was getting my own personal EZBoard webforum. And the development of my alias: Rex Killiante.
Before I was interested in fanfiction, I (obviously) had an interest in art. It's a shame I don't have any on hand.
Sean Catlett:
So which came first, the art or the story?
Rex Killiante:
The art. I found I was particularly good at drawing catlike characters, and one day, I thought about creating a character named Rex Killiante, whose name, as my mother has been quick to point out, translates to "Killing King".
Sean Catlett:
Whatever happened to the character? He still around?
Rex Killiante:
He's not, save for one picture that I've only shown to very few people. But, here's how he served his purpose:
When I created him, I imagined writing him into a Sonic fanfiction story with cyberpunk undertones.
Perhaps as a villain.
Sean Catlett:
Ahhh, it's all coming together.
Rex Killiante:
Eventually, though, as I grew ill-tempered at the idea of being a total hypocrite by working a fan-character into my writing, I decided to scrap him as a character and instead use the name as my alias. It sounded a lot more interesting than plain-old Chris Davis.
Sean Catlett:
So, if you had to cite three main inspirations for Sonic Noir, what would they be, HMMMMM?
Rex Killiante:
The first that comes to mind is the movie version of Ghost In The Shell. Beautiful cyberpunk movie.
The next would be Neal Stephenson's book, Snow Crash, which undoubtedly has the coolest main character ever conceived.
And the third would be...dun dun dun... The Matrix.
All three of those are classic examples of cyberpunk, in my opinion.
Sean Catlett:
How far did Noir get before it ended?
Rex Killiante:
Noir got to a point where Sonic became a willing host to a parasitic, shape-shifting entity naked Locki (I believe that was the spelling), and Locki was meant to be the end-all, be-all villain for Noir. He was going to use Sonic to eradicate all underground resistance in Serinea (including Sonic's friends) and then wage a destructive civil war against Serinea, which would leave nobody alive. In addition to that, a form of destructive ooze was slowing eating away at the fabric of their reality, which was nothing more than a cybernetic illusion placed upon them all by Dr. Robotnik.
oops, a destructive civil war against Andranon. lol, I had to make a mistake somewhere!
Sean Catlett:
Don't worry, we'll fix it in post-production. Lucas style, nigga.
Rex Killiante:
Continue to Part Five