The Tears of a Madman:
Yeah, I was highly suicidal at the time.
Sean Catlett:
Did my call help any or was it just annoying?
The Tears of a Madman:
It probably helped, I'm not too sure. It's the thought that counts, anyway. Or at least that's what mommy says.
I can still remember why you called, too. It was over the girl I kept obsessing over.
Sean Catlett:
Ah. Girls.
The Tears of a Madman:
The root of all evil.
Sean Catlett:
I was sincerely worried about you. I thought when you signed off, that was it, you were pulling a Jim Morrison in the bathtub.
The Tears of a Madman:
You weren't too far from the truth. I believe I had a few suicide attempts around that time. One of which might have been that day.
Sean Catlett:
What'd you try?
The Tears of a Madman:
Slit wrist, of course. I might of pilled myself over once.
Sean Catlett:
Kurosawa style?
The Tears of a Madman:
Whoever that is.
Anyway, the interview has gotten off track. If we keep going like this, It'll look like I'm trying to get the reader to pity me.
Sean Catlett:
One more question, did you ever get a phone bill?
The Tears of a Madman:
Can't say I did. I don't handle the bills.
Sean Catlett:
I called you, so I should have gotten it, right?
The Tears of a Madman:
I believe so.
Sean Catlett:
Let me ask, hold on a sec.
*time passes*
My Dad's too drunk to remember.
The Tears of a Madman:
Lucky bastard.
Continue to Part Seven