Mr. Donald Ross:
Uh, yes. I think. There's an untitled fantasy projecet, an abstract mystery story, and number three would be Bridge, if you'd want to call it a novel. The motherfucker'll be long. I don't call it a novel as much as I do a portcullis... or homo-bar.
I have one more, though it's not actually in progress. Just a title and basic outline. The Village of Envy.
That should be good if I can work out a lot of things.
Sean Catlett:
This is what's next for you, then? Publishment... and then... world domination? HMMMM?
Mr. Donald Ross:
Definately publishment, since I've always wanted to be a novelist. World domination will come AFTER I've found someone to take it over with. Since, it seems, when only one person tries to take it over, it fucks up. So two, in Julian-theory, will most likely work. Probably Nicole.
... A close friend of mind, for the unsure reader.
Sean Catlett:
Ahhh Nicole. Who dabbles in fanfiction as well, mmyes?
Mr. Donald Ross:
Quite so, yes. She has a huge following on Deviant Art. Enough to take over the world with... (lightbulb dings overhead).
Continue to Part Eleven