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PSST! Did you hear about Beau and Naomi? Everyone who's anyone on campus is in the know But what almost no one knows is that the vicious rumor is a hoax. Three journalism students planted the trashy little story, planning to track how it changes as it burns through the university. But what goes around comes around. Alluring young talents - James Marsden (The X-Men), Lena Headey (Onegin), Norman Reedus (The Boondock Saints), and Kate Hudson (200 Cigarettes) among them - team with screen veterans Edward James Olmos, Sharon Lawrence and Eric Bogosian in this hip, twist-filled thriller. The word's out. Pass it on. GOSSIP can turn you on, Or it can turn on you.

*Think you've seen GOSSIP then think again. Director Davis Guggenheim has deleted certain scenes and an alternate ending which can only be seen on the DVD. These scenes include:
Travis films Jones talking about the last time she heard the rumor they started and how it has changed.
Travis paints over a picture of Beau on his collage while explaining what roles Travis, Derrick and Jones play in the twisted game they have created.
Derrick runs into Detective Curtis and tells him more lies before the detective asks Derrick about a picture of Naomi which was stolen from her room.
Derrick calls his parents and tries to ask them for help but they cruelly deny him. This scene was cut because the director didn't want the audience to have sympathy for Derrick. Originally director Davis Guggenheim's parents Marion and director Charles Guggenheim did the voices for Derrick's parents but unfortunately their voices can't be heard on the DVD version of this scene.
ALTERNATE ENDING: An extended version of the ending has Jones and Travis leaving Derrick alone in his loft when he is approached by a stranger who identifies himself as the man who arrested Derrick when he was in high school and he tells him that Naomi is now pressing charges using the video-tape of Derrick admitting that he raped her.
*If you've seen the trailer to the movie you may notice certain scenes in the preview don't actually appear in the movie, including:
Derrick standing on the edge of a building roof-top looking down into the street.
Jones dancing at one of the parties.
Jones, Travis and Derrick taking a picture of themselves on the roof-top while holding drinks in the their hands.
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