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Fanfiction Submission Guidelines


Okay, so you've looked around, liked what you've seen, and feel the need to leave your mark here.  That's what we're here for, anyway.  When submitting a fic, please include a title, a short summary, desired rating, and an e-mail address for feedback.  


1.  This site accepts both canon and non-canon work involving any of the characters created by Thomas Harris.  Any work submitted must be spell checked and must be free of any glaring grammatical errors, dialogue not included.

2.  Plots are important!  Any fic submitted must have a discernable plot, regardless of length, and must stay true to the characterizations put forth by Mr. Harris.  Moosh and PWP (yes, even they have some time of plot) is all well and good as long as the characters stay true to their natures.

3.  NC-17 submissions are acceptable as long as they are in good taste.  Ratings for fics posted on this site are based on the CARA film ratings which can be seen Here.  Ratings are decided by you, the author, and will not be changed unless they are deemed upon review to be inappropriate to the fic.

4.  Each submission will be reviewed prior to posting and we ask that submissions are sent to us in the form of an HTML document or a Word document for the ease of uploading.  (And it saves us time from screaming and yelling and throwing unwary passerby off the roof in our frustrations.)  If it not received in any of these forms, your submission will not be uploaded.

5.  Finished fics as well as WIP (Work in Progress) fics are accepted.  If submitting a WIP fic, please indicate with each chapter, which chapter it is.  (We'd really like to post the stories in the correct order.)

6.  If submitting photos or fan art for the galleries, please make sure it is in a picture formatted file.  (.bmp, .gif, .jpg) As my brother demonstrated recently, sending a JPG as a .doc file doesn't quite work.  (Which means don't imbed the picture in a document file. Please.)


Submit Here!
