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haymarket originated in the late to early months of 2000-2001. the original name for the band was the low top cons. the low top cons was to include Matt on drums, dave on bass, dirt on guitar, and rob trendy on vocals.

rob trendy left the band in the middle months of 2000 to pursue his career with the trendys (where he played bass for them). some where in those months to follow i, palin, became the singer for what is now known as haymarket.

we had practice on occasion, then, but we had no bassist. we had many fill-ins for us though. then one day travis just showed up to jam with us and he fit perfectly. his "style" just flowed with the rest of the music. summer of 2001 was when haymarket began full swing. we played a show almost every week, but rarely ever practiced.

then in the winter of 2001 haymarket split up. the tension got so thick between us all, actually just dave and dirt, that we couldn't even be in the same room with each other. so we slowly but surely faded away from seeing each other. but we'd all still get "when is the next haymarket show". so after almost a year dave and i got off our asses and decided to get our shit together and give haymarket one last try. we decided to at least put out our long over due album.

So haymarket is officially back on the market!!