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"These aperture eyes of mine."

.:Corrison: Ace of Spades 2:.

Release Date: February 13, 2004

Running Time: 40 minutes

Cast: Ian Dowdy, Shawn Stevens, Dennis Sheedy, Steve Shepard, Callie Brust, Shane Osterholt, Scott Lecocq, Brandon Clayton, Adam Strunk, Dustin Stockon, Brian Johnson, Chad Roberts, Bunny Hendricks, Jessica Crumb, Nic Mills, Max Rush, Rush Herman, Dave Bilby, Josh Vieira, Scott House, Brian Stockon, Nate Stockon, Floyd Davis,

Description: Joey Mancuso is out for revenge after the death of his brother Alex. All eyes point to Clay Corrision and the rest of his Vigilantes, as clay plans to kill Joey as well.

Director's memorable moment:My memorable moment was tossing "Pete" over the trellis. We tried about 6 times to get it right, each getting funnier than the next.