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    Thank you
    for stopping by & reading the Guest Book
    Best Wishes ,

Message from the author & webmaster of Horse Fame

Why Horse Fame?

    "Why am I doing this?"
    I ask myself the same. It's NOT for the money because I am not paid. I don't profit, its an expense with problems. My profit is to know about and what happened to the animals who have been used in the industry. It is mainly for awareness of importance the animals are, the history, how they have been used and should be treated fairly. Some end up - not so good. Where would we be without them. A movie is nothing without them. The rating of intellegence by the breed is not the issue - for they all have a special talent. Everyone wants to know the breed. All breeds of equine are special and intelligent. They are all worth mentioning. This is the place for sharing what you know about the subject with the rest of world. To all the others who have participated in adding information to Horse Fame is greatly appreciated.


    I have no way of giving out celebrity addresses or e-mail nor do I intend to, they need privacy. Check your local papers for happenings near your town of gathering of parades and special events so you may meet a celebrity. If a celebrity looks at the Horse Fame pages or guestbook and views your comment and contacts me concerning a question I can forward the message.

    Due to the fact that I am not selling items of any kind at this web site. Make a local search for the video you want to buy at video stores & books at book stores or variety stores where you live. Sometimes they may be able to order what you are looking for. The links from Horse Fame pages can sometimes tell if a tape has been made and released but if it is available to buy or rent I have no control.
    I do not sell tapes. You will have to make a search. Numerous TV shows and movies still are not on video tape. American Movie Classics is trying to process and save your favorite old movies and ask for donations.

    If you are looking to buy a collectable, try the various auctions,
    collector shows, and neighborhood yard sales.


    If you want to send a story about a famous horse, mule, donkey, burro or zebra. Send it in the comment box on the poll page.

    If your story is used depending on size, in full or in part, your name will be credited of being the provider. The "boxed - Comments and Info from" on pages. The information was sent directly to me from the name listed. Only your name and email is required. If you don't want your name posted use the message board. It is your option to tell your email address.

    If you wish to send a photo concerning your story it must be scanned by you and transfered to .jpeg or .jpg format by your scanner program, graphics program, or a service you use for saving photographs to your computer files. Send them separately, under 1MB in size, by using your email services "attached file" controls.

    If you have a web page you have made about famous equine send the URL and you may possibly be an added to Horse Fame links page.

    If you want to ask a question about things related to FAMOUS HORSES use the Horse Fame Message Board. Please don't abuse this service. This site is for references to Equine of the movies and television and the people involved with the animals in some way.

    Any short information or comments you want to say concerning
    the Horse Fame Website can be written directly by you
    on the 1999 Horse Fame Guestbook.
    The message can be public or private

    Horse Fame website has been a success bringing together the past to the future. The information has aided writers of books, magazines, newspaper articles and documentary movies.

    Thanks for your interest. Hope you have had a memorial visit! ... Deb

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All information listed on this site are for educational purposes.
Horse Fame is a free non profit service for the public.
Horse Fame does not benefit from any links or organizations listed.

HORSE FAME , established 1997.
Copyright © Horse Fame 1997 -