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Here are some other Hugh Jackman sites...
Handsome Hugh Jackman - great site with a lot of info and pics.
Jackman's Landing - THE site to go to for up-to-date news on Hugh Jackman
Hughlicious - i LOVE this site. it's filled with great graphix and video clips.
All About Hugh - the best site to post stuff and get great pix and info on hugh.
Oooey Hughy Goodness - great site with LOTS of pix.
Celebrity Site of the Day

Click to subscribe to Hugh_Jackman The premier online men's magazine
For more: AskMen
Austrailian Actors Online

World-Of-Celebrities - Your online source for celebrities, actors, actresses, bands, artists, top models, athletes, directors, authors and more!

This RingSurf - Hugh Jackman Ring site
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