Hugh's Quick Facts
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Hugh's Quick Facts

Full Name: Hugh Michael Jackman

Birthday: October 12, 1968

Birth Place: Sydney, Austrailia

Siblings: Hugh is the youngest of five children. He also had a half sister that he didn't know very well since she was much younger than he was.

Marital Status: Hugh is married to actress Deborra-Lee Furness. They were married in Febuary of 1996. He met her on the set of Corelli, an Austrailian TV series. This was Hugh's first TV acting job where he played a prisoner who falls in love with Deborra.

Children: Hugh and Deborra adopted Oscar Maximilian Jackman, who was born on May 15, 2000.

Height: 6 feet, 2 inches

Orientation: Left-handed

Education: Graduated from University of Technology at Sydney Bachelor of Arts (Communications) with a journalism major
Graduated from Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) in 1994

Talents: Acting, singing, playing the piano, violin, and guitar, can juggle five balls in the air at once, and is good with a yo-yo.

Favorite Instrument: Piano

Favorite Sports to play/do: Golfing, windsurfing

Favorite thing to wear: Likes to be casual: shorts and no socks.

Favorite Drink: Gin and tonic

Favorite Play: Shakespeare's Henry V

Favorite Movies as a kid: the Friday the 13th series

Favorite Invention: the Radio because it blows his mind how someone a hundred years ago would think to transport sound waves