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Dear Hulk Hogan,

Hulk Hogan, happy birthday. Today is a very special day to you. Today is a special day to all of the Hulkamaniacs. Today is the day we celebrate the birth of the best legend ever. I am so proud of you Hogan. You have been my most favorite for ever. I have a Hulk Hogan collection. I collect Hulk Hogan merchandise. I was waiting for ever to see you back in the WWE and it was a big miracle to see you live in person at the Allstate Arena in Chicago IL (really Rosemont) it was the day after No Way Out '03 and Rock challenged you to Wrestle Mania X8 and you injured him that night. Happy birthday Hogan. I hope we meat someday.
-Webmaster Jon

HAPPY 50th "Immortal" Hulk Hogan!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday to the greatest wrestler of all time!!! No other wrestler is more exciting and captivating to watch!!! Without the Hulkster my life would have a big hole to fill!!! Hulk is a guy I'd want to hang out with anyway regardless of his age. I've looked up to this man ever since 1989 when I read about and saw the pictures of his huge win over Macho Man Randy Savage in Pro Wrestling Illustarted. If not for this man I would never have gotten interested in pro wrestling. There is truly nobody in this world like the Hulkster. So many imitators but only one "DA MAN!!!" This guy here needs his own gold statue erected at the top of a staircase leading up to Madison Square Garden just like his good pal Sylvester Stallone!!! It's still a dream to meet Hulk Hogan and watch him perform. I want to meet him before any other celebrity. At least he wouldn't charge 20 bucks for an autograph like Lou Ferrigno. I believe Hogan is a good hearted down to earth guy who has done so much for kids around the world who get the chance to see him. A major help to children's charities the Hulkster has done his share of giving. Hogan thanks for all that you've done for us Hulkamaniacs!!! Brother, it's been a long road on the wrestling highway for you and I hope that you don't take the exit to retirement lane. Definitely take a break and collect your thoughts and enjoy all of your time with your family and friends. We can wait. hopefully when the wait is over you'll be back in WWE. I want to wish you a Hulka-Happy 50th birthday!!!! You deserve the best Mr. Bollea!!!
Hulkamania is far from dead brotha!!!!!!!
What else can I say?????...... I want to say Hogan we'd all like for you to return to WWE with one final nonstop run leading up to Wrestlemania 20!!!! Hulkster is the man so all you idiot critics can go swirly yourselves LOL!!!!! It's an honor to have your birthday two days before mine!!! I turn 21 which is also a big year like 50 on the 13th!!!! HULKAMANIA the strongest force in wrestling history!!! (fans booing the Rock!!! One of the biggest moments in wrestling!!!!)
-HA (Tyler Nix)

I must be the no.1 hulkamaniac in India. Terry, I wish a prosperous 50th Birthday. I am hugely anticipating your return to the WWE. All the Best and Good Luck!!!!

-Aditya aka Engine

We all miss you out there Hogan and I really want to see you come back soon and Hulkamaniacs around the world would be very happy to see you back especially me and I hope you run wild at Wrestlemania XX and we will always be your number #1 Hulkamaniacs your the greatest of all time We love you Hogan Want to wish you a Happy Birthday Hulk Hogan

-Your biggest Hulkamaniac Aric Tong

Dear Hogan,

Happy Birthday to You.
I'm from Hungary, Europe and I watched you from the late '80's.
You are a LEGEND, and Legends will be never forgotten! I hope you get My message. -Oliver Nagy

i would like to say a very special happy birthday to the immortal hollywood hulk hogan and i hope you have a very nice day with your family and would like to see you back in wrestling very soon wether it is in japan or at wrestlemania 20.thankyou very much for the memmories and hope for a few more take care hulkster!hulkamania 4 ever

-Christopher Riley

Happy Birthday! I have been your Maniac for 15 years. Will you be returning to the WWE anytime soon. Please tell me. Love your Maniac forever. Take care Hulkster. Please return to the WWE!

-Virginia Lawrence



Hogan happy birthday. You have been apart of my life since i watched suburban commando when i was 4, a few years after that i watched wrestling and your amazing. Ive read your books and i must have over 2000 pics of you man i do leg drops all the time practicing them. When i grow up i wanna be a wrestler like you did i read the book its awesome and you have proved to the world you can be a wrestler and you have went through pain and torture and sweat and blood but you made it to immortality brother ! So man id like to get in touch, i bet your a busy man who has e mails or letters or fans coming up to his door every day. Well Terry i admie you and you have touched my hart and you will be in my hart for all time,till the day i die !

My e mail is please send me a message man you rock ! Hulkamania forever brothers through the 80's to the 90's to the 00's and again finally HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUDE YOU ROCK !
-Stan L

Hey Hulk Hogan its a Honor Too Even Get Too Write A Greeting Card Too You Are My Best Wrestler Happy Birthday Too You! I Got Something On My Chest Its A Big Disapointment That A New game Called Smackdown Here Comes The Pain For PS2 Will Not Have You In It Am Very Very Not Happy About It I Heard THQ Already Had You In It I Saw Pictures Of You In The Game They looked Awsome And All That Work They Did They Had Too Get Rid Of You But Am Sure THQ Stills Has The Files Too Put it Back In If Something Happend But Am So Mad That Am Not Probly Going Too Buy It I Had My Eyes On You In It And Ultimate Warrior Fighting Like At WrestleMania 6 - Hulk Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior. Will Am Glad i Got Too Speak Too You Happy Birthday Hulk Hogan!

-Josh Garland

HAPPY B DAY HULKSTER I HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR DAY!!! i have been a fan since as long as i can remember you are and always will be my all time favorite wrestler i had the honor to see you in your last ever wwe show at msg on june 24th....well weather you choose to come back or not i jus want you to know that no matter what you will always be my all time favorite wrestler and i am a hulkamaniac for life.... thank you for the memories, thank you for the inspiration...ONCE AGAIN HAPPY BIRTHDAY.....

-Joe Mays

Hi Terry

Happy birthday from an Aussie Hulkamaniac Terry your a great entertainer and person, hope you have a great birthday and i hope to see you in the ring sometime soon.
-Arron Aussie Hulkamaniac

I want to say Happy Birthday to the man I have looked up to for 15 years! That man is HULK HOGAN!! HULK HOGAN, YOU ARE THE MAN WHO MADE WRESTLING AND NOBODY WILL EVER CHANGE THAT!! I hope that you comeback some day and make everybody HAPPY, but, I understand the differences you have with the WWE. I have alot of differences with the WWE, BROTHER!!! I didn't come here to put weight on your shoulders but I LOVE HULKAMANIA and I want it to RUN WILD AGAIN! I simply can't go on watching wrestling without you in it! I went to WCW Monday Nitro and saw you!! You were in one of the GLASS rooms at KEMPER ARENA! I was waiting for you to come out but, when you did, the guards PUSHED everyone away so we couldn't touch you!! My mom was on her tippy toes and she took pictures of your head so I got what I wanted. I was also at BACKLASH! I watched you pin TRIPLE H, that was the best moment and reaction in my whole life! HULK HOGAN, I WANT TO WISH YOU A HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN AND AGAIN BROTHER! I HOPE YOU HAVE THE BEST BIRTHDAY OF ALL!! HULKAMANIA WILL LIVE FOREVER, AND WHATCHA GONNA DO!?

-Jason Simmons

Big Wood we are two of you biggest fans!!! We wish you a happy birthday!!! You are the greatest wrestler of all time!!

-Matt & Patt Stewart

Let me start by saying HAPPY B-DAY to the man that has been my idol since I came from NICARAGUA in 1981. I was only 4yrs old when i came to live in the U.S. Growing up in Montana was difficult for me because i did not know how to speak english and people would make fun of me because of it. It was tough until one day I saw Hulk Hogan on T.V. I was impressed and wondered who that guy was. All I remember was man what is this guy talking about. I thought WOW this guy is huge. So i started recording everytime i saw him on t.v and kept rewinding until little by little i kept catching on to what he was saying. I pretty much learned about what is was about to be a REAL AMERICAN so i followed his philosophy about the training, vitamins, and prayers seriously until this day. I have a 2year old son who I know that is what i am going to tell him so he can believe in himself. Hulk Hogan I always hear you say thanks to the public when in reality it should be us thank you f! or all the great things you have done and accompolished. I really hope that things work out for you and that you get your own federation. What goes around comes around. I think that if you do not have enough big bawlers to back up your federation, i know there are a lot of Hulkamaniacs that will back you up. So i think that all the Hulkamaniacs should start some type of donation to help you start HWO HULKAMANIA'S WORLD ORDER. I am sure that this is very possible if you think about it. I WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU BREAK WWE LIKE YOU DID WHEN YOU WENT TO WCW, I DON'T LIKE IT ANYMORE. THANK FOR EVERYTHING ONCE AGAIN, I HAVE SEEN YOU MANY TIMES WRESTLING BUT, IT WOULD BE A DREAM TO SEE YOU IN PERSON HERE IN MIAMI MORE OFTEN. I KNOW OUR PATHS WILL CROSS ONE DAY, AND I WILL HAVE MY SON THERE AND LET HIM KNOW THIS IS THE MAN WHO WAS MY FATHER HERE WHEN I FIRST CA! ME TO THE US. I NEVER KNEW MY REAL FATHER HE DIED IN NIC. W! ELL AT LEAST THATS HOW I FELT HAVING YOU AS A ROLE MODEL. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. I HOPE YOUR WISHES COME TRUE

-giovanni cantillano

Happy 50th Birthday, Hulkster and, here's to many more. I hope I look as good at 50 as you do.

-John Cooper