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Magenta Lab


This is the same as the timewarp outfit, with two added items (see below.)

Overall cost of mine: �3
YOU NEED: A white disposable apron
And that's all you need. You generally get a pack of 10 for about £2.99.

Overall cost: �1.50
YOU NEED: small amount of thin pale material .... 1m length of pink elastic ....
1. Cut the material (�1) into the right shape to correspond with the picture shown. This is not specific, this is just how I did it.
2. The material should stop before the ears. Sew the line of elastic (50p) along the top of the material (nose side) leaving a loop of elastic at either side. This is to go over the ears. Not like my picture, although shown is another easy way of doing it.
Thanks to Ruth for noting the right colour for this!

Overall cost: 8.50
YOU NEED: A black old white shirt or white material.....
1. Take the dress, ideally in a sale. You want one of the 'shirt dresses' in black ( 8) That way the cuffs and collar are already on there, you just need to attach material to them.
2. Remove the cuffs and collars from an old shirt (50p), and attach them to the black dress. The cuffs should be able to flap, though you might want to tack stich them at the top a little so they don't go everywhere.
3. Do the same sort of thing for the collar.But look at pictures - I didn't, so JUST my collar is white. The white actually goes down inside the dress further than mine, so be careful!
4. If you don't have a spare white shirt, get some old material instead, and sew this on top of the collar in the right shape. Careful with the edges.

Overall cost: 8.50
YOU NEED: A black suspender belt sheer stockings.....
iice easy one this, nothing technical really... just wear the stockings and suspenders as you would normally. The tops of the stockings should be visible in the opening of the front of the dress.

Overall cost: 10
YOU NEED: Black boots ....a lucky find in a Charity shop.
Recently, there's been a burst of pointed boots on the market, including lace ups. Nab them in the sales - they'll be cheap once the weather gets warmer.

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