'Storyville' Tells Only Part of Spader's Politics

James Spader maintains a political profile both on and off the screen. He
abhors the thought that, as Dan Quayle feels, Hollywood is a realm for
the''elite.'' He takes on a political role in''Storyville.''

LAURIN SYDNEY, Anchor: As Vice President Dan Quayle continues his one-on-one with Hollywood's cultural elite, many feature films are exploring the morality of Washington's political elite. Storyville, opening Friday, stars James Spader as a congressional candidate. Sherri Sylvester talked with the actor about his political roles on camera and off.

SHERRI SYLVESTER, Entertainment Correspondent: James Spader makes a run for Congress in Storyville and enters the world of the political elite, but in Campaign '92 the actor finds himself in a hall of mirrors, a member of the Hollywood elite under attack by political conservatives.

JAMES SPADER, Actor: I think that anybody that perceives Hollywood as being elite in any way is ignorant. Hollywood's not elite. They're people making movies.

SYLVESTER: His political character, Cray Fowler [sp?], makes a moral misstep which could cost him his career. Spader is not sure that one false move should be the deciding factor for any candidate.

Mr. SPADER: If it only affects their life, and their private life, it's only a moral issue to you if it fits into your fabric of morality. It's so
individual to each person, you know, I think. And I think it's very hard to shove morality down people's throats. They have their own morality.

SYLVESTER: But in this real-life campaign against Hollywood, Spader is certain about his responsibility as a moral role model.

Mr. SPADER: I don't accept responsibility for that, you know? I- my own values and my own morals are not the same morals and values that you have, and they aren't the same morals and values that the next person has. It's a mistake to put that burden on Hollywood.

SYLVESTER: Storyville is more than a political tale. It is a tale of murder, greed, and lust within an established Southern family set against the
backdrop of New Orleans. Spader says took on the role to explore the world created by Twin Peaks maker Mark Frost, not to push its message on movie-goers.

Mr. SPADER: It's not because I'm going to say, 'Well, I'm intrigued by that film, so everyone else should be as well.' It's simply out of completely selfishness. I'm intrigued by it; I want to work on it. If people want to go see it, wonderful. If they don't, I'm still going to put the money in the bank.

© 9/1/1992 Sherri Sylvester, CNN Entertainment News, Hollywood (Thank you, Susan!)