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This past competition went ok. As usual taylor dominated the competition. everything went smoothly for Southgate. Below will put a sumary of how i think each team did.

FIRST YEAR COLOR GUARDS: In my opinion they did excelent. They may not of won but they put forth a valiant effort.

ARMED I.D.R.: They did good,but mistakes were made that should not of happened. Yet for the most part this team has the ability to win first if they keep working and point out mistakes that need to be fixed.

UNARMED I.D.R.:This performance can only be described with one word. OUTSTANDING. This was a beautiful thing to watch. Led by Amanda Willson, this team performed excelenly. They did a good job amd deserve a first place trophy for how amazing they did.

VARSITY COLOR GUARD:Perfection at its best. Well if your going to place you might as well do it right and get first. Which is exacly what Sara Browes color guard did.There is'nt alot i can say about there performance except , in watching my jaw just dropped.

Note: This Page is not complete so give me suggestions on what to add