Top Ten
Worst Things to Say to a Cop
written in 2005 by Sean Kramer
10. Sorry I was driving so fast. I was drunk and thought it would be better if I got home faster.
9. So, is giving tickets for moving violations required to be one of "America's Heros"?
8. Look officer, I'm not into S & M.
7. Don't I know your wife?
6. I thought cops were supposed to be out fighting crime. Not hiding in ditches and catching citizens in speed traps.
5. I'm sorry, this isn't the Donut Connection.
4. You don't look like a control freak!
3. What was it that made you decide on a job that ruins everyone's day?
2. Hey, aren't you supposed to be at home beating your wife?
And the
topmost worst thing to say to a cop: 1. Aren't you one of the Village People? I thought you were dead.
Originally written by Sean Kramer, with contributions by Gary Sweatt, Laura Drews, Chad Durastanti, and Mojo Morrison.
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2005, is written and originally produced by Sean
Kramer. He retains copyright to all of the
creative content provided. Of course, that
would be open to interpretation, assuming it were
creative. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy a slice of
my sick little mind.