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Faramir-Ranger of Gondor

For Halloween, my girlfriend wanted to dress up as a couple, after a couple suggestions, she threw out one suggesting Aragorn and Arwen. I replied to her with "Sweetheart, that's so overdone. What about Faramir and Eowyn?". This began the journey to make the perfect Halloween costume, which will most likely recieve extra usage at the Return of the King premier.


A Chance for Faramir, Captain of Gondor, to show his quality....

The costume consisted of several layers. It was also spliced from three seperate patterns to make it what it turned out to be. More pictures and details are going to come later, but for the time being this is all I have.

Remember this day, little brother. Today, life is good...

I also procured a longsword to comeplete the costume. While it was nothing like Faramir actual prop sword, it was enough that it kept the stoned muggers a good distance away from me. After all, who in their right mind would mug a man when you see a sword hilt peeking out from his cloak?

I was actually surprised when, at the costume ball, someone walking by turned to their date and said "That man looks like Faramir!" Having picked a secondary character, I was sure no one would notice me, but I even had one purist recommend I do something about my cloak because it was "too pointy" and looked more like a wizards.

I'm in the process of making a construction guide for the costume in its entirety, including pattern numbers as well as fabric recommendation, ideas on how to make the armor pieces, and layer-by-layer breakdown of the costume, from undershirt to ranger's cloak. Check back soon for updates!