About The Filmmaking
"Lilo & Stitch" began with a flash of imagination. A little devilish creature lurking in the background, waiting for a story of his own. No one would imagine that eventually that tiny monster would go on to inspire a lush animated landscape with hearty themes like friendship, the value of differences, and most of all, the concept of 'ohana. What Stitch brought to the world was more than a sneaky grin and a penchant for destruction. He would give a little girl, who stood for more than just the Hawaiian people, but also represented all the nerds, freaks, and quirky kids (plus the grownups they grew up to be) a place where they belonged.
Here is the story of how a random character in a small corner of the mind of an animator grew into a cinematic treasure; a step back, and yet, forward in the world of animation, as well as a true inspiration to people worldwide.