The Lion Man

A Normandy Pictures Corp
Feature, 1935

Kathleen Burke, Charles Loucheur (Jon Hall), Richard Adams, Ricard Carle, Finis Barton, Eric Snowden, James Aubrey, Lal Chand Mehra, Bobby Fairy
Directed by:
John P. McCarthy
Screenplay by:
Richard Gordon and John Williams
A very loose remake of "The Lad and the Lion". Sir Ronald Chatham has decided to conduct a survey of tungsten deposits in Africa. He takes his young son along. Sir Ronald and party are escorted to the throne of the great and powerful Sheik, Yussef Ab Dhur. The Sheik agrees to the exploration for tungsten in exchange for a liberal fee. Sir Ronald is pledged protection from unknown bands blamed for the destruction of countless other foreign expeditions in this area. Later, Yussef's treachery is revealed. Sir Ronald's party is to be destroyed. Only young Ronald Jr. survives and grows to become The Lion Man.

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