Sky Castle, also known as Shea's Castle and Castle Ranch, is a home resembling a castle built in 1924 by Richard Peter Shea on about 1,500 acres of land in the Antelope Valley, near Del Sur. He reportedly spent $500,000 on his castle. Due to financial setbacks, Shea lost his castle and a variety of owners and renters have occupied the castle since. Roy Rogers trained his horse Trigger there. A non-profit flying group added a runway, dam and lake there.



DIRECTIONS: From Los Angeles, take the Golden State Freeway (5) north to the Antelope Valley Freeway (14) North. Exit at Palmdale Boulevard (138) in Palmdale and turn left. The road will soon change names to Elizabeth Lake Road. Turn right at Munz Ranch Road. Turn left onto San Francisquito Fairmount Road. Follow this road until you can see the castle to the left.


Bat Masterson--The Treasure of Worry Hill (ZIV 1958) Gene Barry