The War Chief

This is one of the most impressive Indian stories that has been written in recent years. Differing from the usual Burroughs tales of weird fantasy, it not only has thrills and excitement galore but it shows us the beauty and grandeur of the life of the red man when he crossed the plains. The hero of the story is Shoz-Dijiji, the Black Bear, whose father and mother, Jerry and Annie McDuff, Scotch immigrants, were killed by a tribe of Apaches while crossing the plains to California. The infant was adopted by the chief of the tribe and raised as an Indian. Ironically, he was taught a hatred of the whites, which he bore with fanatical intensity. In the background of this vivid tale of the Indian is a romance, different than romance as we know it. Nevertheless, love is love in any language with every people, in all climes, and THE WAR CHIEF is a magnificent picture of Indian love. Written by America's great versatile author, Edgar Rice Burroughs, it is another book that has that intangible something--personality.

Our edition of the magazine text is the first publication in hardcover and softcover, which we first published in 2005.

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