This web site is not the work of any one individual, but a collaboration among many fans of Corriganville and Ray "Crash" Corrigan. Below I have attempted to identify all of the individuals who have shared in this history of the Ray Corrigan Ranch. If you would like to participate, whether it be with words or pictures, please contact the webmaster at and we will see about including you in this project.

The original Corriganville page (which is still found on my Movie Locations web page) would not have evolved into this elaborate one except by the generosity of one person, MINARD COONS, who was a friend of Ray Corrigan and Max Terhune. He has in his possession a vast amount of material on the two men and he has graciously shared it with me. Thanks Minard!

Shortly after the site went "live", two ex-Corriganviller's, Stephen Lodge and Jerry Vance, contacted me and shared their photos and stories with me. And from them, many more of the stunt workers and performers from the ranch contacted me. They are listed below.

Special thanks to Chuck Anderson of The Old Corral for suggestions when I was first writing the HTML code for the pages.

Acknowledgements to the "Official" Historian of the Ranch, so named by Ray Corrigan's son, Tommy, Bill Ehrheart, and to the historian of the Corriganville Preservation Committee, Gregg Anderson.

Because so many people have helped, whether by photo or word, along with my sincere thanks, I am listing as many of them as I can remember, shown in alphabetical order below (not by how great you have helped).

Michael Banks
Bob Bickston
Larry Blanks
Thom Bresh
Neil J. Carroll
Geri L. Chandler
Bill Cmelak
Bill Cotter
Mark S. Cramer
R. M. Cole
Gary Edwards
Keith Edwards
Steven Gale
Dean Garrison
Fred Greguras
James E. Hankins
William Herr
Monty Laird
Bonnie (Chandler) Lawrence
Boyd Magers
Dick Oakes
Conrad E. Palmisano
Stephen Parmelee
Tisha Parti
Laurel Proeme
Bill Raymond
Chuck Redman
Bud Reeves
Debra Richardson
Cory Rodgers
Patty Shennum
Gary Stelter
Richard Takakjian
Tracy Terhune
Victor Tinajero
Dick Warlock
Jesse Wayne
Tinsley Yarbrough

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