Bluefang: Mighty Sword
Kyrik pulled Bluefang free of the scabbard. He caught their blades with a sweep of his own, said, "I don't wish to harm you. Go your way without me. I have--business--in these pits."
"Fool!" scoffed the officer, and thrust.
Kyrik met his blade with a riposte, thrust so swiftly that his point was in and out of the man's shoulder before he could return his sword to its guard position. Almost in the same moment, the barbarian whirled on the others, drove them back and back. His point was always before their eyes, the edges slashing at exposed hands or when he bent, at their knees. They began to pant, and Kyrik mocked them.
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When Kyrik--warlock warrior--finds a dying man and a bloody parchment map, he is drawn into a whirlwind of evil in which demon lords contend for all Terra. With Myrnis, his gypsy sweetheart, and the aid of the thief pack, he brings five ancient magical gifts to the land of Surrillone--where he meets betrayal by the very demon lord he has been forced to serve.
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Kyrik, the great and glorious warrior, had battled the fiercest foes imaginable, drawing on his amazing and incredible warlock powers. His tremendous gifts are put to the ultimate test as he is forced to a life and death battle with the Wizard and the Wizard's sword.
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Kyrik grinned. His blade came into the faint torchlight, and he ran to meet those men who hungered for his death. With sweeping swordblade and darting dagger, he met them.
Bluefang slashed deeply into a man's throat. His dagger rammed its blade into the belly of another. Instantly he freed both weapons, jerking them from the hot flesh in which they were buried, and again he swung and jabbed.
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From the world beyond--or past--time Kothar comes. From out of the deepest, most violent recesses of mankind's collective memory, Kothar the gigantic barbarian strides, the enchanted sword Frostfire glittering in his mighty hand. Lusty, hot-blooded, masterful, unafraid of things real or unreal, Kothar dominates the misty, bloody world before recorded time. Yet, though Kothar's world existed in another age--perhaps another dimension--it springs vividly to life. Mapped, charted, chronicled, Kothar's fantastic world suddenly becomes real--the sorcerers, dragons, witches, evil potions, unspeakable monsters. And Kothar, an epic hero for any age, overshadows everything.
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