Originally published in 1931 and first reprinted in 1935, we present this figure study magazine in its entirety. We have reproduced the interior "color" pages (basically a one or two color publication) in black'n'white, but have retained the full color covers.
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A bountiful collection of vintage girls in classic views from the back side.
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French Art Classics C-19 is one of a series of art booklets published by Culture Publications. This is
a reproduction of the actual contents of the booklet, each page printed full-sized
on a slightly larger size page. It was originally printed with a different
color on each page. While not full color, it did add to the product. Available in the original color or in black/white.
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Gay Parisienne A pulp magazine of the spicy type, which contained fiction as well as a center section of nudes. This is a fascimile reprint in slightly enlarged format (original was 7x10, this reprint is 8.5x11) and contains the entire contents of the original issue of December 1933.
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