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(Not necessarily the views of Longdawgg)

Date: 11-1-02:

Ah...Welcome weary traveler!!! You've reached Leo's corner. I'm glad you decided to leave that shitty Longdawgg site. I didnt want to be in their stupid little movie crew anyway. I was the REAL talent behind all the movies and they got all jealous and kicked me out!!! Fuckin' traitors. Now I am in complete control and on top of things. So um....ya.....ant "the web master" is really an unoriginal lil shit that gets all his "ideas" from lame ass movies such as "Big Trouble" and "Rat Race". He knows he can get away with all his stupid retarded nonsense because no one in the right mind would watch that shit. He likes to use big words to confuse you, but he just takes em out of his ass without any context.

The rest of the crew:

Ryan: blatant psychopath, homoerotic fiend

Javier: braindead SXE fiend (blah blah blah he's soooo straight-edge, he doesn't even drink caffeine, yet he enjoys anal with ryan.....

Philip: another piece of garbage, he's just a POSUER, he likes AFI (but only because he has an excuse to act like a depressed lil goth- "woe to my heart, woe is me" PSSST and he makes fun of me of being emo....( on a side note- he got SUSPENDED because he brought a freaking AEROSOFT GUN to school....what a lamer...i've killed people before and didn't even get a slap on the wrist.....

Anthony P : well i dont have anything bad to say about him but my only gripe is his lack of fucking driving skills (he hit ant's car twice in 3 seconds) and his inablity to mosh at a show. Anyway Anthony is prob. the smartest guy in the crew....oh wait ....that was me.....nevermind Anthony is just another shmuck.

Jay: oh god...what can I say....I'm honestly terrified of this behemoth. He is quiete an elitist bastard though...its always about him. Blah blah blah....

Ok, I'm done with this little intro. I am really pissed off now and I'm gonna go listen to some "pussy emo shit" (as Jav would call it).

By Anthony Nielsen "The Web Master"